Do's And Don'ts - Defy DUF300 Instruction Manual

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Do's and Don'ts

Do – Defr ost food fr om the fr eezer thor oughly in a fr idge or in a micr owave oven
following defrosting and cooking instructions.
Do – Ensur e that the fr eezer door is completely closed after each use.
Do – Defr ost fr ozen meat completely befor e cooking.
Do – Close the door gently.
Do – Check contents of the fr eezer at r egular inter vals.
Do – Clean and defr ost your fr eezer r egular ly (See "Defr osting").
Do – Keep food for as shor t a time as possible and adher e to "Use by" and "Best
before" dates.
Do – Stor e commer cially fr ozen food in accor dance with the instr uctions given on the
packets that you buy.
Do – Choose high quality fr esh food and ensur e it is well cleaned befor e you fr eeze it.
Do – Pr epar e fr esh food for fr eezing in small por tions to ensur e r apid fr eezing.
Do – Wr ap all foods in aluminium foil or fr eezer quality plastic bags and make sur e
any air pockets are pressed out.
Do – Wr ap fr ozen food when you buy it and put it in to the fr eezer as soon as
Do – Stor e small items in the basket pr ovided.
Do – Remove ice cr eam fr om the fr eezer 10-20 minutes before serving.
Do – Follow the defr osting pr ocedur es as descr ibed in the "Defr osting" section.
Don't – Leave the door open for long per iods as this will make the fr eezer mor e costly
to run and cause excessive ice formation.
Don't – Use pointed shar p edged objects such as knives, for ks to r emove excess ice.
Don't – Use electric appliances inside the freezer for defrosting.
Don't – Put hot food in the fr eezer . Let it cool down fir st.
Don't – Put liquid-filled bottles, fizzy drinks, jars, sealed cans or cans containing
carbonated liquids into the freezer as they may burst.
Don't – Stor e flammable, explosive, poisonous or danger ous substances in the fr eezer .
Your freezer has been designed for the storage of edible foodstuffs only.
Don't – Exceed the maximum fr eezing capacity when fr eezing fr esh food.
Don't – Consume ice-cream and ice cubes direct from the freezer. The low temperature
may cause 'freezer burns' on lips.
Don't – Tr y to keep fr ozen food which has thawed, it should be eaten within 24 hour s
or cooked and refrozen.
Don't – Remove items fr om the fr eezer with wet hands.
Don't – Shut the door with for ce. You will damage the Fr eezer .
Don't – Climb on the Freezer .
Don't – Allow children to play or hide inside the Freezer.
Don't – Use the Freezer near heating appliances, cookers or other sources of heat and fire.
Don't – Leave food in the Freezer if it is not working.
Don't – Cut on the freezer door, this will scratch the finish of the door.
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