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Emergency Caller Products EC4 Programming Manual page 3



Emergency number, Select 2 for your second number, Select 3 for
the third and so on. Dialer will take up to 8 telephone, cellphone
or pager emergency numbers
You now can enter up to 8 phone numbers. Enter each phone
number one by one.
Enter your first desired phone number. If the number is long
distance, enter area code (Number 1 first) then phone number.
If you are entering a cell phone number, please enter two (2) "P"
(Pauses) at the end of the last digit for each phone number. Do this
for every cell phone number. Press the "*" button to save after
entering each number.
Examples of how to enter phone numbers
Example for landline telephone with area code: 18581234567*
Example for cellular phone with area code: 18581234567PP*

