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CarpMadness Phantom 2020 Assemble Instructions page 3



Apply enough glue around the opening in the hull to push in the grid. To harden it is best
to place a correspondingly large and heavy piece of wood or something similar on it.
Wet this previously with soapy water, so the silicone adheres only to the grid / hull. It's
best to let it dry for one day. Now fit in the jet. This one should be very easy to insert. If
he fits perfectly, remove it again and, as with the grid, put enough glue around the
opening. Put on the jet and let it stand out through the round opening at the back.
It is best to fix the jet (at the outlet) immediately with superglue and the counter plate
with the 2 small openings (attach externally to the flange) and guide through the two
outer openings a short piece of Bowden cable. So the jet is optimally fixed and can dry. Of
course, a straight seat is important.
After drying, it is important to check the tightness of the complete jet. To do so, immerse
the hull in water and suppress.
There must be no water in the interior of the hull. A leak can be corrected only very
difficult later.

