Processing Instructions - versa INSERTO SEAT DOMINO Series Product Technical Specification

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Processing Instructions

In order to guarantee safe use and a long lasting performance of the pelvis positioning system,
please find below advice for the user and/or caregiver:
carefully follow all instructions reported in this manual and in the technical sheet of the product;
carefully follow all directions and advice provided by the clinical professional / authorised dealer;
keep the positiong system away from heat;
any unauthorised modifications performed by a non clinical professional or an unauthonsed
dealer, or the use of components not supplied or approved by the producer, can affect the safety
and proper use of the product and could he a cause of danger by the medical device;
Clean carefully and pay particular attention to the standard maintenance.
In the case of the appeareance of the skin irritation or redness, please stop using the
product and refer to the clinic professional/authorized dealer; should you ear noise,
vibrations or encounter variations during the normal use, please refer to the clinical
professional/authorized dealer in order to verify the safe and suitable conditions of
use and good performances.


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