Chapter 6 - Control Unit Programming; Level One Programming (On-Off Functions); Level Two Programming (Adjustable Parameters) - Nice MBar Series Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

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The control unit has 3 keys OPEN (▲), STOP (Set), CLOSE (▼) (Fig. 49) that
can be used both for controlling the unit during testing and for programming
the available functions.
The programmable functions available are divided into 2 levels and their relative
Automatic closure
Reclose after photo
Always close
Stand by
Long/short deceleration
Automatic start-up
Modo Slave
Direction of motor rotation
01. Press and hold down the "Set" key for approx. 3 seconds;
02. Release the key when LED L1 starts flashing;
03. Press keys "▲" or "▼" to move from the flashing led to the led associated with the function to be modified;
04. Press "Set" to change the status of the function:
(short flash = OFF; long flash = ON)
05. Wait 10 seconds (maximum time) to exit the programming mode.
Note – During this procedure, points 03 and 04 need to be repeated when programming other functions to "ON" or "OFF" during the phase itself.

6.2 - Level two programming (adjustable parameters)

All level 2 parameters are set by default (Table 8) and may be modified at any
time as explained in Table 9.
The parameters can be set on a scale from 1 to 8. To check the value corre-
sponding to each LED see Table 8.
10 – English
operating status is displayed by
means of the 8 LEDs (L1 ... L8)
on the control unit.
• Led lit = function active;
• Led off = function not active.
• OPEN (▲): the "OPEN" key
enables control of pole opening
or can be used, during program-
ming, to move the programming
point up.
TABLE 6 - First level functions
This function performs automatic closure of the pole after the programmed pause time. Factory setting:
20 seconds. Value programmable from 3 to 60 seconds.
This function enables the pole to remain in Opening position for the time required for transit. When the function is
active, operation depends on the parameter set in the function "Automatic closure":
• with "Automatic closure" active, the Opening manoeuvre stops immediately after the photocells are disengaged
and the Closure manoeuvre starts after 5 seconds.
• with "Automatic closure" not active, the pole always reaches the maximum Opening position (even if the
photocells are disengaged beforehand) and Closure starts after 5 seconds.
This function is useful in the event of a power failure, even brief. In fact if this function is active (ON), when power
restored, the control unit detects the pole as open and starts Closure. For reasons of safety the Closure manoeuvre
is preceded by a 3-second pre-flashing interval.
This function allows consumptions to be reduced. If active, 1 minute after the end of the manoeuvre, the control
unit turns off the TX of the Bluebus photocells and all the LEDS, excluding the Bluebus LED which flashes more
slowly. When the control unit receives a command normal operation is restored. For the use of the barrier with
the Solemyo system it is necessary to activate an even deeper "Stand by" mode, the "Stand by all".
This operation is performed using the Oview programmer.
This function enables the user to double the space for starting deceleration, both in Opening and Closing. If the
function is deactivated, deceleration is short.
This parameter, if active (ON), lets you activate the start-up (starting at maximum speed) until the pole is made to
move. The default value is "OFF".
By activating this function the barrier becomes "Slave": it is possible to synchronize the operation of 2
counterposed barriers where one works as Master and the other as Slave; for more information see
paragraph 7.6 - Master-Slave Mode.
This parameter enables inversion of the direction of motor rotation to enable barrier installation on the right; the
factory setting is "OFF" (standard motor rotation – pole closure on left).
Important – If the function is activated, the Opening and Closing positions must be memorised again
(Paragraph 4.5).
TABLE 7 - Programming procedure (first level functions)
• STOP (Set): the "STOP" key enables the user to stop the manoeuvre; if
pressed for more than 5 seconds, it enables entry to programming mode.
• CLOSE (▼): the "CLOSE" key enables control of pole closing or can be used,
during programming, to move the programming point down.
IMPORTANT! – During a manoeuvre (open or close) all 3 keys (▲, Set,
▼) work as STOP; causing the maneuver underway to stop or the
reverse of the maneuver.

6.1 - Level one programming (ON-OFF functions)

All the level 1 functions (Table 6) are set by default to "OFF" and may be mod-
ified at any time as explained in Table 7. The parameters can be set on a scale
from 1 to 8. To check the value corresponding to each LED see Table 6.
IMPORTANT – In the programming procedure, the maximum time interval that
can elapse between activation of one key and the next is 10 seconds. When
this time elapses, the procedure terminates automatically, memorising the
modifications made up until then.
IMPORTANT – In the programming procedure, the maximum time interval that
can elapse between activation of one key and the next is 10 seconds. When
this time elapses, the procedure terminates automatically, memorising the
modifications made up until then.
3 s
10 s


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This manual is also suitable for:

M3barM7barLbar seriesLbarM5bar

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