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AEMC MN375 User Manual page 4

Ac current probe


Please make sure that you have already read and fully understand the WARNING section on page 1.
Making Measurements with the AC Current Probe Model MN375
 Connect the black lead of the current probe to "common" and the red lead to the AC v oltage input on
your DMM or other v oltage-measuring instrument. The AC current probe has an output of 100mV/A.
This means that for 10A AC in a conductor around which the probe is cl amped, 1V AC will come out of
the probe leads to y our DMM or instrument. Se lect the range w hich corre sponds to the measured
current. If the current magnitude is unknow
appropriate range and resolution are reached. Cl
reading on the meter and multiply it by 10 to obt ain the measured current (e.g, 160mV reading = 160 x
10 = 1,600mA or 1.6A).
 For best accuracy, avoid if possible, the proximity of other conductors which may create noise.
Tips for Making Precise Measurements
 When using a current probe w ith a meter, it is im portant to select the r ange that prov ides the best
resolution. Failure to do this may result in measurement errors.
 Make sure that probe jaw mating surfaces are fr ee of dust and contamination. Contaminants cause air
gaps between the jaws, increasing the phase shift between primary and secondary. It is very critical for
power measurement.
 For maintenance use only original factory replacement parts.
 To avoid electrical shock, do not attempt to perform any servicing unless you are qualified to do so.
 To avoid electrical shock and/or damage to the instrument, do not get w ater or other foreign agents
into the probe.
To ensure optimum performanc e, it is important to keep the probe jaw mating surfaces clean at all times.
Failure to do so may result in error in readings. To clean the probe jaw s, use v ery fine sand paper (fine
600) to avoid scratching the jaw, then gently clean with a soft oiled cloth.
You must contact our Serv ice Cent er for a Customer Serv ice Author ization number (CSA#). This
ensure that when your instrument arrives, it will be tracked and processed promptly. Please write the CSA#
on the outside of the shipping container.
(Or contact your authorized distributor)
NOTE: All customers must obtain a CSA# before returning any instrument.
The current probe is w arranted to the owner for a period of one y ear from the dat e of original purchase
against defects in manufacture. This
distributor from whom it was purchased. This warranty is void if the unit has been tampered w ith, abused
or if the defect is related to service not performed by AEMC
Full warranty coverage and product registration is available on our website at:
Please print the online Warranty Coverage Information for your records.
n, st art w ith the highest range and w ork dow n until the
amp the probe around the
limited w arranty is giv en by AEMC
Instruments, not by
99-MAN 100216.v8 07/13
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