Missed Approach Exercise; Approach To Stall; Landing Configuration - Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 500 Flight Manual

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should be conducted in various configurations; full and partial flaps, gear UP and
To enter slow flight, reduce power and allow the aircraft to slow to Vref minus 5 (flaps
LDG) or Vref plus 5 (flaps TO). Maintain altitude by adjusting pitch and power. Make
gentle turns left and right (no more than 15° bank), being careful to maintain
coordinated flight.
In actual aircraft training, this maneuver must be accomplished above 3,000' AGL.

Missed Approach Exercise

The missed approach exercise is used to familiarize the Eclipse 500 pilot with the
proper missed approach procedure in the transition from an approach to rejected
landing/go around. The procedure is outlined in the Normal Operations section of this

Approach To Stall

The approach to stall maneuver is used to familiarize the Eclipse 500 pilot with the
handling characteristics of the Eclipse 500 at near stall airspeeds, its stall warnings and
protections, and the correct stall recovery techniques. The intent of the maneuver is not
to stall the aircraft, but to recognize the indications (aural warnings and/or stick pusher)
and apply the proper recovery procedures to avoid a stall.
Immediately after recognition of stall warning, stall recovery should be initiated so as to
minimize any altitude loss. Recovery is complete when the aircraft is maintaining level
flight or climbing.
The Eclipse 500 instructor will brief the condition/configuration of the approach to stall
and will also direct whether the approach to stall is turning or wings level.
During approaches to stalls in a turn, be alert to uncoordinated flight.
The following are the entry set-up and recovery procedures for each approach to stall.

Landing Configuration

Throttles idle
Airspeed below 200, Gear down, flaps TO
Airspeed below 120, Flaps LDG
Smoothly adjust pitch and trim to establish and maintain a 600 fpm descent until
first indication of stall.
Upon first indication of stall, simultaneously:
Apply maximum thrust
Roll to wings level (if turning)

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