Landing With Flap Malfunctions; Windshear; Windshear Precautions - Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 500 Flight Manual

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Landing with a single engine does not require any special technique.
difference might be a higher airspeed over the threshold due to higher approach speed.
Consider this and allow for a longer landing distance.

Landing with flap malfunctions

A flap malfunction may result in landing with flaps other than LDG. This will dictate a
higher approach and landing speed, resulting in a longer landing distance up to 50%
When in the flare, do not hold aircraft off the runway; make a deliberate
touchdown and begin braking.


A windshear encounter at low altitude can place the aircraft in a situation requiring
maximum performance in minimum time. Improper or ineffective response to windshear
can result in loss of control and/or flight into terrain.
Severe windshear is that which produces changes (observed or reported) greater than:
• 15 knots airspeed
• 500 fpm vertical speed
• 5° pitch attitude,
• 1 dot displacement from the glideslope
• unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time
WINDSHEAR AVOIDANCE: The first priority in any windshear condition is to avoid it.
Delaying the takeoff or approach and waiting for better conditions is usually the best
defense against windshear. Also, making the takeoff or approach in a direction as to
avoid exposure to localized windshear is an option. If a takeoff or approach is
necessary and no actual windshear has been reported, the pilot should take precautions
when executing a takeoff or approach/landing.


Takeoff: If windshear is suspected or there is a potential for windshear ("Windshear
advisory in effect" on ATIS), add 10 knots to the computed Vr and maintain the
recommended 10° pitch attitude until at a safe altitude. If using Vr + 10 knots, ensure
runway length is at least 1,000' longer than minimum required.
Approach/Landing: If windshear is suspected or there is a potential for windshear
("Windshear advisory in effect" on ATIS), add ½ the wind gust factor, if any, to your
approach and landing speeds. Plan on making a deliberate touchdown to minimize
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