In-Flight Cabin Smoke; Emergency Descent/Rapid Decompression - Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 500 Flight Manual

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flare and exposure to the potential windshear. Consider increased runway length
requirement due to higher landing speed.
WINDSHEAR RECOVERY: If windshear is encountered, altitude loss is of primary
concern. Apply full power and set 10 degrees of nose up pitch to maintain or gain
altitude. Do not change the configuration of the airplane until confident the aircraft is
clear of the windshear and normal aircraft climb performance is determined. If altitude
cannot be maintained and ground contact is possible, increase pitch to maintain an
airspeed just above the audible and visual stall warnings ("Stall, Stall") until a climb is
achieved. Once the Aircraft is clear of the windshear, reconfigure the aircraft for normal

In-flight cabin smoke

In-flight smoke can be an extremely dangerous situation. Immediate donning of your
oxygen mask and subsequent completion of the "Cabin Smoke or Fumes" memory
items is time-critical.
In any smoke in cabin or fire emergency, these 3 priorities should be used:
1. "Cabin Smoke or Fumes" memory items
Protect yourself and passengers while ventilating the cabin
2. Plan to land
Do not delay descent or diversion to find the smoke source. Coordinate with ATC
and land at the nearest suitable airport. Consider an evacuation.
3. Identify
Execute "Cabin Smoke or Fumes" checklist

Emergency descent/rapid decompression

This is another situation in which time can be critical. An emergency descent, due to
decompression, smoke in the cabin, or any other reason, must be done in a timely
manner, but also deliberately and safely.
To execute an emergency descent, establish the recommended target pitch attitude of -
20° (this can be expedited by banking the aircraft and allowing the nose to fall), and
monitor airspeed and mach number. Reduce pitch as necessary when airspeed passes
250 KEAS/.60 M so as not to exceed Vmo/Mmo.
For collision avoidance considerations, immediately declare an emergency and use
ATC to help with traffic. After memory items are complete, controlling the descent so
aircraft limitations are not exceeded becomes the priority.
© Eclipse Aviation Corporation, 2006
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