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Specifications - Orion 13008 Instruction Manual

60mm multi-use guide scope with helical focuser


to find a guide star, you can adjust the direction the guide scope is
pointed within the bracket by alternately loosening and tightening
the three thumbscrews on the front or back ring (usually you won't
need to make adjustments on both rings). Just make sure that all
six thumbscrews are tightened before you begin guiding. Do not
over-tighten them, however, or you could strip the screw threads!
Using the 60mm Multi-Use Guide Scope as a
Finder Scope
The 60mm Multi-Use Guide Scope conveniently doubles as a
60mm finder scope with the addition of an optional 1.25"-barrel
eyepiece inserted into the focuser collar (Figure 5). You may need
to slide the extension tube out nearly all the way to reach focus with
the eyepiece.
The 60mm Multi-Use Guide Scope has a focal length of 240mm, so
use of a 25mm eyepiece will yield a finder scope magnification of
9.6x (240 divided by 25).
You will need to align the finder scope with the main telescope
before starting your observing or imaging session. You do that by
adjusting the three thumbscrews on one or both of the bracket
rings until a distant object in the main telescope's eyepiece is also
centered in the finder scope's eyepiece. Use of an optional cross-
hair eyepiece is helpful in achieving exact centering of an object.
caring for the 60mm Multi-Use Guide Scope
To keep dust from getting inside the guide scope and from accumu-
lating on the objective lens, keep the front and rear caps installed
when the guide scope is not in use. We recommend storing the
guide scope in a padded accessory case.
Cleaning the Lens
Although it shouldn't need cleaning very often, you can clean the
front lens of theguide scope with any quality optical lens cleaning
tissue and optical lens cleaning fluid designed for multi-coated
optics. Never use regular glass cleaner or cleaning fluid designed
for eyeglasses. Before cleaning with fluid and tissue, eject any
loose particles from the lens with a blower bulb, compressed air,
or a soft brush such as a LensPen. Then apply some cleaning fluid
to a lens tissue, never directly on the optics. Wipe the lens gently
in a circular motion, then remove any excess fluid with a fresh lens
tissue. Oily fingerprints and smudges can be removed using this
method. Use caution, as rubbing too hard may scratch the lens.
Never re-use the same tissue.
Eyepiece, 1.25"
Figure 5. Insert a long-focal-length (e.g., 25mm) 1.25" eyepiece
into the 60mm Multi-Use Guide Scope to use it as a finder scope.


Focal length:
Lens coatings:
Focuser material:
Focus travel:
Accessory collar:
Extension tube length:
Camera attachment:
Dovetail bar:
Dust cover:
One-Year limited
This Orion product is warranted against defects
in materials or workmanship for a period of one
year from the date of purchase. This warranty is
for the benefit of the original retail purchaser only.
During this warranty period Orion Telescopes &
Binoculars will repair or replace, at Orion's option,
any warranted instrument that proves to be defec-
tive, provided it is returned postage paid. Proof of
purchase (such as a copy of the original receipt)
is required. This warranty is only valid in the
country of purchase.
This warranty does not apply if, in Orion's judg-
ment, the instrument has been abused, mis-
handled, or modified, nor does it apply to normal
wear and tear. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights. It is not intended to remove or restrict
your other legal rights under applicable local
consumer law; your state or national statutory
consumer rights governing the sale of consumer
goods remain fully applicable.
For further warranty information, please visit
Achromat (doublet)
240mm (f/4)
Fully multi-coated
Helical, non-rotating
Machined aluminum
1.25", internal compression ring
Up to 35mm
Via T-threads (M42x0.75) or 1.25"
eyepiece holder
Dual ring, nylon-tipped six
adjustment screws
Vixen style, 3.5" length, with
threaded holes
Aluminum, included
10-1/8 inches
32.1 oz.

