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MasterCool 52251 Operating Manual page 4


• Follow Temp Split 1 screen instructions on where to place round vane meter or
antenna fan meter.
• When values have stabilized, press ENTER to save.
• Press F2 (NEXT).
• Follow Temp Split 2 screen instructions on where to place round vane meter or
antenna fan meter.
• When values have stabilized, press ENTER to save.
• Press F2 (ANYL).
• Target Temperature Split and Actual Temperature Split with analysis will be
displayed on the screen.
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons to highlight Actual Superheat.
• Press ENTER.
To Input Pressure Manually
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons and highlight Input Manually.
• Press ENTER.
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons to highlight refrigerant.
• Press ENTER.
• Use ► and ◄, buttons to highlight unit and ▲ and ▼ buttons to adjust unit value to
input low-side saturated pressure.
• Press ENTER.
• Saturated vapor temperature will be displayed.
• Press F2 (NEXT).
• Insert plug for clamp-on thermocouple into type K thermocouple socket.
• Follow screen instructions to place clamp-on thermocouple.
• When temperature has stabilized, press ENTER.
• Press F2 (NEXT).
• Actual Superheat will be displayed.
• If Target Superheat test has been done, press F1 (ANLY) for analysis.
To use Pressure Transducer to Calculate Superheat
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons to highlight Calculate.
• Press ENTER.
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons to select refrigerant.
• Press ENTER.
• Insert plug from pressure transducer into pressure transducer socket.
• Follow screen instructions to connect pressure transducer to system.
• When saturated temperature stabilizes, press F2 (NEXT).
• Insert plug from clamp-on thermocouple into type K thermocouple socket.
• Follow screen instructions to place clamp-on thermocouple.
• When temperature has stabilized, press ENTER.
• Press F2 (NEXT).
• Actual Superheat will be displayed.
• If Target Superheat test has been done, press F1 (ANLY) for analysis.
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons to highlight Actual Subcool.
• Press ENTER.
To Input Pressure Manually
• Use ▲ or ▼ buttons and highlight Input Manually.
• Press ENTER.
• Use ▲ or ▼ Buttons to select refrigerant.
• Press ENTER.
• Use ► and ◄, buttons to highlight unit and ▲ and ▼ buttons to adjust unit value to
input high-side saturated pressure.
• Press ENTER.
• Saturated vapor temperature will be displayed.
• Press F2 (NEXT).
• Insert plug for clamp-on thermocouple into type K thermocouple socket.
• Follow screen instructions to place clamp-on thermocouple.
• When temperature has stabilized, press ENTER.
• Press F2 (NEXT).
• Actual Subcool will be displayed.

