Install the connection
damage the card and the device and
corrupt data stored on the card.
1. Remove the cap.
You may need administrator
2. Slide the cover, and
rights for the operating system,
lift it up (6).
and you may also need to set your
operating system firewall to allow
3. Make sure the contact
the device to access the internet.
area of the memory card is
facing up, and insert the card
1. Remove the cap.
into the slot which is
2. Make sure the SIM card is
underneath the SIM card slot.
inserted in the device.
Push the card in, until it locks
3. Switch your computer on, and
into place (8).
connect the device to the USB
4. Lower the cover and slide it
port in the computer.
into place (9).
4. If the installation doesn't start
Remove the memory card —
automatically, use your
Remove the cover, press the card
computer's file browser to
in gently, until it is released, and
locate the USB modem drive,
pull the card out.
and select the setup file on your
Important: Do not remove the
The installation may take
memory card when an application is
several minutes.
using it. Doing so may damage the
memory card and the device and
corrupt data stored on the card.