How Do I Change The Needle - Quilter's Pro Deluxe User Manual

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How do I Change the Needle?

A 134RSAN needle (size 18) will be installed on your
Quilter's Pro Deluxe from the factory. When it is time to
replace the needle you can easily install one. Be sure the
power switch is off on the machine. Remove the bobbin
To remove the needle use the smaller screwdriver included
with your machine.
Step 1: Loosen the screw just above the thread guide on
the needle bar; the needle should fall out as you loosen the
Look closely at the needle. Your home sewing machine
needle shank (top of the needle) has a flat side. The top of
the long arm machine needle is round. On the point end of
the needle there is a scarf, or notch, in one side.
The scarf must face the back of your machine.
The long groove at the eye of the needle faces you
as you insert the needle.
Why does the scarf go to the back of the machine?
When the needle goes down through the fabric into the bobbin case, the hook comes around behind the needle
to pick up the thread. The scarf has to be there to provide a way for the hook to get between the needle and
the thread in order to pick up the thread.
Step 2: Place the new needle up in the slot, making sure the needle is up in the needle bar as far up as it will
go. Make sure the scarf is facing the back of your machine. Tighten the screw on the needle bar while holding
the needle up.
TIP: Use the old needle to hold the new needle in place while you tighten the screw. By placing the point
of the old needle into the eye of the new needle you can see how straight you are placing the scarf of the
Before you turn your machine on go to the back of the machine and turn the hand wheel a complete turn
making sure the needle goes down in the center of the throat plate and the hook in the bobbin area rotates with
the needle smoothly. Put the needle down as far as possible. In the bobbin area, you should be able to see
you the eye of the needle. When the hook rotates it picks up the thread at the back of the needle then the top
thread pulls the bobbin thread up to create a stitch. The scarf must face the back of your machine.
Needle Screw
Figure 59
Top of needle is
round. No flat like on
your home needles
Long groove goes to
the front. This is a
path for the thread to
Back of needle has a
scarf. This is where
the hook passes
and picks up the top
thread to create the
Figure 60
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