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Tandy 200 Owner's Manual page 59


Memory full error. Select a
smaller block of text. See
"Reference C, Memory Required
by the TEXT Paste Buffer."
found. You do not have a file
named NOTE.DO or ADRS.DO
in the specific RAM bank you
are using.
#VALUE! error. Your formula
asks MSPLAN to make a
computation on strings, rather
than numbers. (If a space
precedes a number, MSPLAN
regards its value as a string. For
example, " 32" is a string; " 3 2 "
is a number.) Change all strings
to numbers.
Cannot establish a connection. If
you do not get TELCOM's
terminal function-key display
(Prev, Down, Up, etc.), you have
not established a connection for
one of many reasons.
1. The connectors: If using the
modem cable—the beige cable
goes to the wall line, the grey
cable goes to the phone line, and
the plug goes to the Model 200
PHONE socket. If using the
acoustic coupler—the telephone
speaker goes to the acoustic
coupler microphone, the
telephone microphone goes to the
acoustic coupler speaker, and
and the plug goes to the Model
200 PHONE socket.
2. The ACP/DIR setting: If us-
ing the modem cable, this switch
must be set to DIR; if using the
acoustic coupler, it must be ACP.
3. The communication parame-
ters: Make sure they are set to
4. CompuServe's baud rate: You
must call one of CompuServe's
300-baud numbers.
5. The sequence for establishing
terminal connections: Make sure
you hear CompuServe's
computer tone before pressing
the TERM key.
CompuServe is sending many
unreadable characters. This is
usually because you do not have
your communication parameters
set correctly. With CompuServe,
they should be M7E1ENN, O.
CompuServe is sending
occasional unreadable characters.
This is probably caused by a bad
telephone line. Hang up and try
CompuServe's characters are
scrolling faster than you can read
them. Press the Previous key
(OLD) to see the previous screen.
Press (F1 ) again to see the
current key.
The characters you type appear
in duplicate. Press (ED to change
from "Half" to "Full."
References / 51

