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Tandy 200 Owner's Manual page 47


1. Home Services
2. Business & Financial
3. Personal Computing
4. Services for Professionals
5. The Electronic Mali
6. User Information
7. Index
Enter your selection number,
or H for more information !
This menu leads you to a series
of submenus. After each menu,
you see the " ! " sign, which is
CompuServe's menu prompt. In
response to the "!" prompt, you
can enter your menu selection
(for example, 1 (ENTER!) or a
CompuServe command such as:
• P (ENTER)—to see the
previous menu.
• T dHHFD—to go back to the
top menu.
• BYE (ENTER)—to exit
For example, typing T (ENTER)
at the " ! " prompt always returns
you to the top menu or the first
menu of the system.
Seeing TELCOM's
Previous Screen
Sometimes CompuServe's infor-
mation may scroll off your
screen faster than you can read
it. When this happens, you can
use one of TELCOM's terminal-
mode function keys, the
"previous screen" key (CED).
Press CED to see the previous
screen; then CED again to return
to the current screen. TELCOM
keeps 2 screens in memory at all
Logging Off CompuServe
CompuServe computes your
online time by the minute rather
than the hour. If you logoff
after using only 15 minutes of
free time, for example, you can
logon again for an additional 45
free minutes.
To logoff CompuServe:
1. Wait until you see the " ! "
prompt on your screen. If Com-
puServe is displaying a long
message, you can usually return
to the " ! " prompt by pressing
CcTFtn (CD. (Hold down (CTRL)
while pressing CEO. )
2. Type BYE (ENTER). Compu-
Serve logs off and displays the
amount of time you have been
After logging off, press
TELCOM's Bye key (CED) and,
when TELCOM asks if you are
sure, type Y (ENTERl. TELCOM
then exits its terminal mode. You
see TELCOM's original function-
key display on the bottom of the
Find Call Stat Term
Communicating with Another Computer / 39

