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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Common data objects in each logical node........35 Logical nodes for control..............37 Bay control CBAY................37 Bay control QCBAY..............37 Switch controller CSWI..............39 Switch controller SCSWI............39 Logical nodes for conversion functions..........41 Integer to Boolean converter FCVB..........41 Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGGIO..........67 Logical nodes for sensors and monitoring........68 Circuit breaker monitoring SSCBR..........68 Breaker monitoring SSCBR............68 Insulation medium supervision (gas) SIMG.........73 Gas medium supervision SSIMG........... 73 Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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GOOSE function block to receive a single point value GOOSESPRCV................85 Section 9 Flexible product naming..........87 Introduction..................87 Mapping example................ 87 Mapping possibilities and requirements........88 Section 10 Glossary................. 91 Glossary................... 91 Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
IED perspective. The system engineer or system integrator must have a basic knowledge of communication in protection and control systems and thorough knowledge of the specific communication protocol. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
The manual provides procedures for the checking of external circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying settings by secondary injection. The manual Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
It is important that the user fully complies with all warning and cautionary notices. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
It includes the different possibilities of communication functionality. • Logical node data model. This is described in IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-4. • Conformance tests and the basis for conformance documents are handled in IEC 61850-10. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
PCM600 or the LHMI. Related documentation to IEC 61850 GUID-906D4C7F-29FD-4922-8A8B-8A3A3E2B811E v7 Use the latest revision of the documents listed, unless stated otherwise. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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IEC 61850 PIXIT IED series version 2.2 Ed1 - PIXIT: 1MRG024177 Protocol implementation extra information IEC 61850 TICS IED series version 2.2 Ed1 - TICS: 1MRG024176 Tissue implementation conformance statement Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
(clients) of the information. Each IED and vendor may have their own logical node type definitions included in the data type template section together with all other logical node types based on the standard. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
The substation description in IEC 61850-6 clause 9 describes the arrangement of the primary equipment. In addition, it also includes a list of the applied logical nodes and the relation of those logical nodes to the primary equipment. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
- GSE; GoCBs - GSE; GoCBs - GSE; GoCBs (server) (server) (server) en06000101.vsd IEC06000101 V1 EN-US Figure 3: IEC 61850–6: Communication network Additional information about the server is part of the IED. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
IEDs when they read or write information vertically. When GOOSE messages are received, the bay level IED also has the client role. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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The data objects represent information signals that may be routed to station level IEDs or to other bay IEDs that are communicating via GOOSE. The signal engineering task is to select the requested signals (DOs) and link them to the client Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Client Server and GOOSE communication. • The IEC 61850 Configuration tool gives the user the possibility to make the IEC 61850 engineering without export / import step. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
• Bottom-up approach means that the configurations are produced by the IED tool, and that are exported as CID files (or SCD file) to be imported into the system tools. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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CID or ICD file for each IED. These ICD/CID files are then imported into the system tool and merged into a SCD file, representing the complete substation or a part of the substation, like one for each voltage level. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
- Access Point (AP) / Address - GSE - GSE IED (server) IED (server) (61850 services; part 7-2) (61850 services part; 7-2) IEC08000179.vsd IEC08000179 V1 EN-US Figure 6: IEC 61850 Protocol: related standards for communication Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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The peer-to-peer/vertical communication using MMS protocol suite with the T-profile TCP/IP For each of the above, the resulting underlying protocols as stated in Figure 7. See the PICS and PIXIT for more information. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
FCDA as well as explicit attributes. The supported data types to be published and received over GOOSE are binary values, double point values, integer values and measured values, together with their Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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(defined by the ctlModel parameter, IEC 61850-7-2). Check bits; interlock check and synchrocheck check, are only valid for LN types based upon CSWI class. Verification of Originator Category is supported, see also PIXIT. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
SCSWI2 SXSWI2 SCSWI3 SXSWI3 stVal SCSWI4 SXSWI4 SCSWI5 Origin IEC17000140-1-en.vsd IEC17000140 V1 EN-US Figure 8: IEC 61850–7–2: Example of a data set for MMS General rules for data set configuration: Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
When integrity is selected in the trigger option attribute, it is needed to define an integrity period to force the transmission of all data listed in the DataSet. This is done by the attribute Integrity period. This feature Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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When the client is able to receive the actual values and when the logical device has scanned all process values at least once, an image of the actual process signal status can be transmitted to the client. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Subnetwork Server 1 LLN0 DATA-SET LD0/LLN0.AppPos IED 1 LD0/SXCBR1.Pos FC=ST LD0/SXSWI1.Pos FC=ST LD0/SXSWI2.Pos FC=ST LD0/SXSWI3.Pos FC=ST LD0/SXSWI4.Pos FC=ST en06000107.vsd IEC06000107 V2 EN-US Figure 9: Link BRCB to a client LN Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
When a GOOSE server generates a SendGOOSEMessage request, the current data set values are encoded in a GOOSE message and transmitted on the multicast association. The event that causes the Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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To send GOOSE messages a GoCB must be defined and a data set is needed that contains the data objects of single data attributes to be sent. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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The subscribers, who knows the address of this GOOSE message, receives the telegram. The GOOSE message includes a sequence number to verify that all messages are received. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
The IEC 61850 standard does not describe the functionality and way of operation. Each supplier has to describe this separately. ABB has described their function blocks that represent a logical node and all other function blocks in the technical manuals.
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Health indicates OK, Warning, or Alarm, depending on the IED status. NamePlt The name of the logical node and its relation to namespace definition are shown in the data object NamePlt as specified for the SCL structure. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
PSTO Value for the operator place allocation PSTO Quality: Value for the operator place allocation PSTO Timestamp: Value for the operator place allocation Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Update of measurand is blocked Quality: Update of measurand is blocked Timestamp: Update of measurand is blocked v1_dSPS stVal Local operation allowed Quality: Local operation allowed Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Cancel.origin.orIdent Command parameter for IEC61850 Cancel.ctlNum Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.ctlNum Command parameter for IEC61850 SBOw.ctlNum Command parameter for IEC61850 SBOw.T Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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61850 OpCls b_dACT general EXE_CL Execute command for close direction EXE_CL Quality: Execute command for close direction EXE_CL Timestamp: Execute command for close direction Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC SEMOD175753-1 v4 PID-6944-LOGICALNODEDATA v2 LN type LN prefix LN class Function block name B16IFCVI (revision 0) B16I FCVI BTIGAPC Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
DO name DO type DA name Signal Mon/C Description a_dINC Oper.ctlVal Mode parameter Oper.origin.orCat Mode parameter Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter Oper.ctlNum Mode parameter Oper.T Mode parameter Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Mode status parameter for 61850 Quality: Mode status parameter for 61850 Timestamp: Mode status parameter for 61850 a_dINS stVal Behaviour parameter Quality: Behaviour parameter Timestamp: Behaviour parameter Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
TRIP Timestamp: General trip output signal a_dINC Oper.ctlVal Mode parameter Oper.origin.orCat Mode parameter Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter Oper.ctlNum Mode parameter Oper.T Mode parameter Oper.Test Mode parameter Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Timestamp: Tripping three-pole ClsLO v1_dSPS stVal CLLKOUT Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) CLLKOUT Quality: Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) CLLKOUT Timestamp: Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset) Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Generic security application component AGSAL PID-7016-LOGICALNODEDATA v2 LN type LN prefix LN class Function block name AGSAL instance 1 (revision 2) GSAL AGSAL SECLLN0 instance 1 (revision 1) - LLN0 AGSAL Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Mapping tag Oper.T Mapping tag Oper.Test Mapping tag Oper.Check Mapping tag stVal Mapping tag Quality: Mapping tag Timestamp: Mapping tag NumCntRs o_dINS stVal Mapping tag Quality: Mapping tag Timestamp: Mapping tag Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
PhyHealth Quality: Physical health PhyHealth Timestamp: Physical health 7.5.3 Logical node zero LLNO PID-5185-LOGICALNODEDATA v1 LN type LN prefix LN class Function block name LLN0 (revision 2) - LLN0 LD0LLN0 Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Oper.origin.orCat Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.ctlNum Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.T Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.Test Mode parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
DO name DO type DA name Signal Mon/C Description a_dINC Oper.ctlVal Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.origin.orCat Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.ctlNum Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.T Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.Test Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.Check Mode parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Signal Mon/C Description a_dINC Oper.ctlVal Mode parameter Oper.origin.orCat Mode parameter Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter Oper.ctlNum Mode parameter Oper.T Mode parameter Oper.Test Mode parameter Oper.Check Mode parameter Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Oper.origin.orCat Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.origin.orIdent Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.ctlNum Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.T Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.Test Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Cancel.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Cancel.origin.orCat Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.origin.orCat Command parameter for IEC61850 SBOw.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
IEC 61850 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC SEMOD55384-1 v4 PID-4139-LOGICALNODEDATA v3 LN type LN prefix LN class Function block name DPGGIO (revision 0) DP GGIO DPGAPC Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.T Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.Test Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.Check Mode parameter for 61850 stVal Mode status parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Oper.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.origin.orCat Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.origin.orIdent Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.ctlNum Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.T Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.T Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.Test Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.Check Command parameter for IEC61850 SPCSO7 d_dSPC Oper.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
VALUE Timestamp: Counted value a_dINC Oper.ctlVal Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.origin.orCat Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.origin.orIdent Mode parameter for 61850 Oper.ctlNum Mode parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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CounterLimit2 Lim3 v1_dSPS stVal LIMIT3 Counted value is larger than or equal to CounterLimit3 LIMIT3 Quality: Counted value is larger than or equal to CounterLimit3 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Timestamp: Mode status parameter for 61850 a_dINS stVal Behaviour parameter for 61850 Quality: Behaviour parameter for 61850 Timestamp: Behaviour parameter for 61850 c_dSPS stVal Output status Quality: Output status Timestamp: Output status Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Quality: Output 4 status OUT4 Timestamp: Output 4 status Ind5 c_dSPS stVal OUT5 Output 5 status OUT5 Quality: Output 5 status OUT5 Timestamp: Output 5 status Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Output status logic OR gate for input 1 to 16 OUTOR Quality: Output status logic OR gate for input 1 to 16 OUTOR Timestamp: Output status logic OR gate for input 1 to 16 Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Minimum value multiplied with the base prefix (multiplication factor) mag.f VALUE Magnitude of deadband value subMag.f Substituted value range RANGE Range VALUE Quality: Magnitude of deadband value Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Timestamp: OR function betweeen inputs 1 to 16 Out2 v1SPS stVal OUTPUT2 OR function between inputs 17 to OUTPUT2 Quality: OR function between inputs 17 to 32 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
ALARM Indicator of the integrated time has reached the alarm limit ALARM Quality: Indicator of the integrated time has reached the alarm limit Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Logical nodes for sensors and monitoring 7.8.1 Circuit breaker monitoring SSCBR Breaker monitoring SSCBR GUID-30A59448-3B80-4298-965D-19E28BB0BBD8 v3 PID-3267-LOGICALNODEDATA v4 LN type LN prefix LN class Function block name SSCBR (revision 3) S SCBR SSCBR Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.T Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.Test Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.Check Command parameter for IEC61850 RsCBWear v1_dSPC Oper.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Quality: CB open travel time exceeded set value TRVTOPAL Timestamp: CB open travel time exceeded set value ClsAlm v1_dSPS stVal TRVTCLAL CB close travel time exceeded set value Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Timestamp: Spring charging time has crossed the set value PosOpn v1_dSPS stVal OPENPOS CB is in open position OPENPOS Quality: CB is in open position Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Quality: The charging time of the CB spring SPCHT Timestamp: The charging time of the CB spring AccAPwr v2_dMV mag.f IPOWPH Accumulated I^CurrExponent integrated over CB open travel time Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
NOOPER Timestamp: Number of CB operation cycle GUID-B3D47A00-E233-4E54-910F-97BCD32C501A v1 Since there is no current measurement functionality in SAM600-IO, evaluation of the following parameters are not possible in the circuit breaker condition monitoring function (SSCBR): • Circuit breaker status •...
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Temperature of the insulation medium TEMP Quality: Temperature of the insulation medium TEMP Timestamp: Temperature of the insulation medium LORs v1_dSPC Oper.ctlVal Command parameter for IEC61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Mode parameter for 61850 stVal Mode status parameter for 61850 Quality: Mode status parameter for 61850 Timestamp: Mode status parameter for 61850 a_dINS stVal Behaviour parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Oper.Test Command parameter for IEC61850 Oper.Check Command parameter for IEC61850 TmpLo v1_dSPS stVal TEMP_LO Temperature above lockout level TEMP_LO Quality: Temperature above lockout level TEMP_LO Timestamp: Temperature above lockout level Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Special block command value stVal CL_BLKD Indication that the function is blocked for close commands CL_BLKD Quality: Indication that the function is blocked for close commands Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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CO, 4 = OCO, 5 = COCO, 6+ = More CBOPCAP Timestamp: Breaker operating capability 1 = None, 2 = O, 3 = CO, 4 = OCO, 5 = COCO, 6+ = More Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Mode status parameter for 61850 Quality: Mode status parameter for 61850 Timestamp: Mode status parameter for 61850 a_dINS stVal Behaviour parameter for 61850 Quality: Behaviour parameter for 61850 Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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(process level) OpCnt b_dINS stVal CNT_VAL Operation counter value CNT_VAL Quality: Operation counter value CNT_VAL Timestamp: Operation counter value c_dDPC stVal POSITION Apparatus position indication Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Special block command value Oper.Check Special block command value stVal UPD_BLKD Update of position indication is blocked UPD_BLKD Quality: Update of position indication is blocked UPD_BLKD Timestamp: Update of position indication is blocked Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Internal parameter tag to handle 61850 mapping TagBinOut8 a_dSPS stVal Internal parameter tag to handle 61850 mapping TagBinOut9 a_dSPS stVal Internal parameter tag to handle 61850 mapping Table continues on next page Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
GOOSE function block to receive an integer value GOOSEINTRCV GUID-45F5BD60-EB9A-4BB1-A9E5-CBE5D3C5F4EC v1 PID-2529-LOGICALNODEDATA v17 LN type LN prefix LN class Function block name INTSGREC instance 1 (revision 0) INTS GREC GOOSEINTRCV Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
GOOSESPRCV Logical node data (instance 1) DO name DO type DA name Signal Mon/C Description TagBinOut a_dSPS stVal Internal parameter tag to handle 61850 mapping Quality: Internal parameter tag to handle 61850 mapping Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
L1PTOC view ... view FunctionB BPTOC L2PTOC IEC15000502-2-en.vsdx IEC15000502 V2 EN-US Figure 12: L1PTOC in the customer model mapped to BPTOC in the IED model and L2PTOC mapped to APTOC Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
However one attribute in the IED model can be mapped to several attributes in the customer model. • The functional constraint (FC) of the data attributes must match. • The basic type of the data attributes must match. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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IED, the Mod of the function will affect all the customer LNs Several other use cases like this exist. By understanding the concept of mapping from IED functions and IED model to customer model, these cases can be foreseen. Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
Binary signal transfer function, receiver blocks Binary signal transfer function, transmit blocks C37.94 IEEE/ANSI protocol used when sending binary signals between IEDs Controller Area Network. ISO standard (ISO 11898) for serial communication Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Capacitive voltage transformer Delayed autoreclosing DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (The US developer of the TCP/IP protocol etc.) DBDL Dead bus dead line DBLL Dead bus live line Direct current Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Flexible product naming File Transfer Protocol Function type G.703 Electrical and functional description for digital lines used by local telephone companies. Can be transported over balanced and unbalanced lines Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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References the CMC (IEEE P1386, also known as Common Mezzanine Card) standard for the mechanics and the PCI specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest Group) for the electrical EMF (Electromotive force). Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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High-voltage software module Liquid crystal display LDCM Line data communication module Local detection device LON network tool Local operating network Miniature circuit breaker Mezzanine carrier module Milli-ampere module Main processing module Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Parallel redundancy protocol Power supply module Parameter setting tool within PCM600 Precision time protocol PT ratio Potential transformer or voltage transformer ratio PUTT Permissive underreach transfer trip RASC Synchrocheck relay, COMBIFLEX Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Status of fault Strömberg Protection Acquisition (SPA), a serial master/ slave protocol for point-to-point and ring communication. Switch for CB ready condition Switch or push button to trip Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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UTC is derived from International Atomic Time (TAI) by the addition of a whole number of "leap seconds" to synchronize it with Universal Time 1 (UT1), thus allowing for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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Three times zero-sequence current.Often referred to as the residual or the earth-fault current Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as the residual voltage or the neutral point voltage Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO Version 2.2 IEC Communication protocol manual...
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