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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R — SafeGear is ABB’s ANSI arc- resistant metal-clad switchgear...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Table of contents 005 – 007 General overview Construction: doors 009 – 010 Circuit breaker compartment Auxiliary modules 012–...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
General overview SafeGear® 5/15 kV, up to 50 kA arc-resistant switchgear SafeGear is ABB’s ANSI arc-resistant metal-clad switchgear line for short circuit currents up to 50 kA and below at rated maximum voltages of 5 and 15 kV. Certifications cent compartments and sections within a lineup SafeGear arc-resistant metal-clad switchgear is •...
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ABB VIY-60 potential transformers. For 15 kV appli- ment transformers can be found in the Switchgear cations, SafeGear uses ABB VIZ-11 and VIZ-75 PTs. All Components and Accessories Technical and Appli- PTs are available in wye-wye, open delta, line to line cations Guide (1VAL104601-TG) and line to ground connections.
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Accessories Technical Guide Plenum Application Guide 1VAL108001-AP Testing REF615 Feeder Protection Relay 1MAC105361-PG SafeGear is design tested per IEEE C37.20.2 and in- Product Guide cludes the following production tests: REF620 Feeder Protection Relay 1MAC506635-PG Product Guide • One second dielectric test of 1800 VAC for control...
S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R — Construction Doors SafeGear front doors consist of the breaker compartment, auxiliary unit compartments and LV compartments. — These doors are provided with either a single han-...
T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Compartment types Circuit breaker compartment SafeGear circuit breaker compartments are designed for maximum operator safety by providing one large viewing window and automatic latching, three-position closed door racking. The circuit breakers have self-aligning, fully automatic...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
CPT modules provide convenient mounting and op- without removing the PT truck from the rails and is compatible with ABB’s remote racking device, eration of single-phase control power transformers the SmartRack. Secondary contacts engage/disen- in ratings up to 15kVA, minimizing the possibility of...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R — Compartment types Instrument compartment ABB mounts all protection and control devices in a — 01 Low voltage instru- dedicated low voltage compartment. Each low volt-...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Compartment types Instrument compartment — 01 Low voltage door panel 38" — 02 Low voltage cabinet door panel 57"...
Bus compartment Main bus compartment All primary buses are copper with a corona-free SafeGear arc-resistant, metal-clad switchgear design, and are available in 1200, 2000, 3000 and design certifications are based on both polyester 4000 A ratings (4000 A rating achieved by forced and porcelain primary bus supports.
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Main bus compartment Continuous current Short-circuit rating (kA) Quantity/phase size 1200 A 25, 31.5, 40, 50 1/4"...
Top and bottom connections can 12-gauge type 304 stainless steel is used in also be made to bus duct. Safegear for the cover plates. Cover plates are re- quired for top and bottom of the cable compart- In two-high arrangements with stacked circuit break- ment.
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— — — 01 Surge arrestors — 02 Connection of up to eight cables per phase (three cable lugs shown) — 03 Large fixed-mount CPT up to 75 kVA 3-phase or 50 kVA single-phase —...
ABB developed this vent- ing system which combines the internal chamber and plenum and holds patents on the construction details of this truly innovative design.
T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Available frame types One-high frames — Description Dimensions The one-high, bottom mounted device frame con- Frame Width (in) Height (in)* Depth (in)
S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Available frame types Breaker and auxiliary frames — Description Dimensions The two-high breaker and auxiliary frame consists Frame Width (in) Height (in)*...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Available frame types Breaker and auxiliary frames Less than or equal to 31.5 kA Breaker below Breaker above Greater than or equal to 40 kA (breaker below)
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Available frame types Auxiliary frames — Description Dimensions The two-high auxiliary frame consists of compart- Frame Width (in) Height (in)*...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Available frame types Auxiliary frames Less than or equal to 31.5 kA Greater than or equal to 40 kA...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Typical arrangements Main-Tie-Main: 1200 A/2000 A, up to and including 31.5 kA Arrangements are the same for 5, 8.25 and 15 kV...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Typical arrangements Main-Tie-Main: 3000 A and 4000 A, 40 kA and 50 kA Arrangements are the same for 5, 8.25 and 15 kV...
S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
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T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Typical arrangements Main with Feeders: 1200 A/2000 A, 40 kA and 50 kA Arrangements are the same for 5, 8.25 and 15 kV...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R —...
T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Civil engineering details Typical side views, floor plans, and clearances SafeGear switchgear two-high frames Circuit breaker: 1200 A/1200 A 1200A 1200A SECTION VIEW 93.35''[2371.09 mm]...
S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R — Civil engineering details Typical side views, floor plans, and clearances SafeGear switchgear breaker and auxiliary Circuit breaker: 2000 A with PTs greater than 40 kA CLOSED OPEN...
T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Civil engineering details Typical side views, floor plans, and clearances SafeGear switchgear breaker and auxiliary Circuit breaker: 2000 A, with PTs less than 31.5 kA CLOSED OPEN...
S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R — Civil engineering details Typical side views, floor plans, and clearances SafeGear switchgear one-high frames Circuit breaker: 3000 A or 4000 A CLOSED OPEN...
Additional clearance may be eneded during assembly of the plenum. Indoor and outdoor applications SafeGear is available in indoor construction. For outdoor applications, SafeGear is installed in a sheltered aisle or PDC building. Both applications offer the flexibility of one-high or two-high construction.
• Anchor Type and Diameter : HIT-RE 500 V3 + HAS choring in order to assure proper installation in B7 ½ Post Installed Anchor Bolt or Equivalent seismic regions. SafeGear is qualified to the fol- • Effective embedment depth : 6.00” lowing seismic standards: •...
T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Civil engineering details Seismic applications REAR OF SWGR — 02 Bolt Location for Ip = 1.5 BUS &...
T E C H N I C A L A N D A P P L I C AT I O N G U I D E — Civil engineering details Seismic applications 04 Weld Location for Ip = 1.5 Left End Shipping Split 2X–...
2859 1297 pending on the extent of secondary protection and breaker, two VTs 2000 3277 1486 control equipment, ABB recommends adding 20% One circuit 1200 3210 1456 to 50% of the empty weight of the module. breaker, one VT 2000...
Device or CB Bussing and Total frame, select the proper element from the and AMVAC CBs enclosure adjoining table for SafeGear components. 1200 A CB 1426 2000 A CB 1145 2290 Breakers can be either ADVAC or AMVAC and are...
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S A F E G E A R ® 5/ 1 5 K V, U P TO 5 0 K A A R C - R E S I S TA N T S W I TC H G E A R...
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