Maintenance Of Clamp Unit - Cembre PCMD-FC Operation And Maintenance Manual

Machine for pandrol "fastclip" fastening
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Before every use:
Check rear wheel for resistance, it should not be free rotating.
Ensure wheel is clean, removing any dirt or mud.
Check for signs of damage.
Every 6 months:
Check for excessive braking on wheel. It should roll along rail when pushed but will slide if excessive braking

8.1.2) Maintenance of clamp unit

Before every use:
Check cable, linkages, springs and rear wheel for signs of damage.
Check linkages are free moving.
Ensure brake cable moves without resistance and is not damaged.
With brake released, check the wheel rotates freely.
Check that, when handlebar lever (12) is in the raised position, the brake is engaged.
Ensure the wheel is clean of dirt and mud.
Check that, before assembly, the wheel does not rotate one full turn in either direction.
Ensure brake coupling above rear wheel is free of
dirt and mud.
Every 6 months
Check wheel pockets for excessive wear.
If braking eff ectiveness is compromised, replace
Check for wear on pivots.
Ensure fasteners are secure.
Check for wear on brake coupling. Parts should
mate securely.
Clean all moving parts and lubricate as required.
FIG. 21
FIG. 22


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