Troubleshooting - Vivitek NovoConnect NovoEnterprise User Manual

Wireless collaboration
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8 Troubleshooting

NovoEnterprise does not power up or operate.
Check if the proper DC power supply with the appropriate operating voltage and sufficient
operating current (5VDC, 2A) is connected to the Micro-USB port of the NovoEnterprise.
My PC cannot link to NovoEnterprise wirelessly.
For your PC to link to NovoEnterprise, your PC must either have a built-in a Wi-Fi module or an
external Wi-Fi adapter, and Wi-Fi must be enabled. If the NovoEnterprise is set to Hotspot
Mode (factory default mode), choose NovoEnterprise's SSID from the available SSID list. If
NovoEnterprise is set to Client Mode and is connected to a specific Wi-Fi AP, choose that AP's
SSID from the available SSID list.
The play/pause buttons do not work.
These buttons are functional only for the current presenters.
I cannot connect to the Internet on NovoEnterprise.
This is normal if the NovoEnterprise is set to Hotspot Mode, since NovoEnterprise by itself does
not support WAN (wireless wide area network) access. To access the Internet for tasks such as
Web browsing on NovoEnterprise, please set the Wi-Fi to Client Mode and connect to a Wi-Fi
AP that that is connected to the Internet.
My PC or mobile device has failed to connect to NovoEnterprise.
First, make sure that Wi-Fi is enabled on your device. If NovoEnterprise is set to Hotspot Mode
(factory default mode), choose the NovoEnterprise's SSID from the available SSID list. If
NovoEnterprise is set to Client Mode and is connected to a Wi-Fi router, choose that router's
SSID from the available SSID list.
I cannot choose to present in full screen or in one of the split screens.
Only the host has the authority to decide whether your presentation is to be seen in full screen
or one of the split screens. You may be invited to be the host: 1) if the Reset button is clicked on
the NovoEnterprise, 2) if the host explicitly hands over host control to you, or 3) if all other
presenters have disconnected from NovoEnterprise.
I am the host, but I cannot preview other participants' screens.
To preview a participant's screen before sending a presentation invitation, that participant
must have screen preview enabled on his device.
My device's on-screen display looks stretched or compressed on NovoEnterprise's screen
NovoEnterprise User Manual V3.1
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