13 Forms and Procedures
13.1 Main Form
Every SDK project starts with a main form and a close button. You can add forms and procedures
to the main form several layers deep. The tree view displays the current form/procedure layout
of the project. Also, double-clicking on one of the tree view will automaticallay launch the search
engine in order to search the associated keyword within the project's source code files.
Symbols in the Tree View
13.2 Adding a Form
Adding a form to an existing project is accomplished by selecting an existing form in the tree-
view where the new form is to be added, right mouse clicking on the selected form, and selecting
Add Form from the pop-up menu. An Add New Form dialog will appear to allow the user to enter
information about the new form. The user needs to define the button label and button position
that will be added to the selected frame for "popping" up the new form. The new form title will
also be entered by the user.
There are two types of forms that the user can create, non-graphic forms and graphic forms.
Main form
Graphic form