13.3 Graphic Forms
If the user selects graphic form, using the checkbox in the Add New Form dialog, a new pop-up
menu item will be added to the tree-view window allowing the user to edit graphics. The form
graphics avaialble include rectangles, lines, round rectangles, ellipses, and polylines.
13.4 Adding a Procedure
Adding a procedure to an existing project is accomplished by selecting an existing form in the
tree-view where the new procedure is to be added, right mouse clicking on the selected form,
and selecting Add Procedure from the pop-up menu. An Add New Procedure dialog will appear to
allow the user to enter information about the new proceudre. The user needs to define the
button label and button position that will be added to the selected frame for controlling the new
procedure. An empty method will be created allowing the user to provide the code for the new
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