Vacuum circuit-breakers are characterised by simple, sturdy
construction and long life.
The drive is maintenance-free for its whole operating life and
only requires functional inspections.
The vacuum interrupters are maintenance-free for their whole
operating life.
Vacuum interruption does not produce harmful effects even
when there are frequent trips at the rated and short-circuit
The servicing interventions and their aim depend on the
environmental conditions, on the sequence of operations and
on the trips under short-circuit.
For maintenance work, respect the following Standards:
– the relative specifications indicated in the "Standards and Specifications"
– regulations for safety in the workplace indicated in the "Putting into service
and operations" chapter;
– regulations and specifications of the country where the apparatus is installed.
The maintenance operations can only be carried out by
trained personnel who respect all the safety regulations.
Furthermore, it is recommended that ABB service
personnel should be called in, at least to check the service
performances, and for any repair work.
During maintenance work, turn the power supply off and put
the apparatus under safe conditions.
befoRe CaRRying out any oPeRationS,
alwayS Make SuRe that the CiRCuit-
bReakeR iS oPen, the CaPaCitoR
diSChaRged and that it iS not SuPPlied
(MediuM voltage CiRCuit and auxiliaRy
8.2. Maintenance on VM1/A/P circuit-
the StoRage CaPaCitoR May be ChaRged in
the diSConneCt and withdRawn PoSitionS.
veRify that the CiRCuit-bReakeR iS oPen
and the StoRage CaPaCitoR (S) iS (aRe)
diSChaRged befoRe ReMoving the fRont
VM1/A/P circuit-breakers are designed for a minimum amount
of maintenance. Circuit-breakers in a clean, non-corrosive
environment require only annual inspection. Dusty or corrosive
environments require inspection more often at the discretion
of the user. Following each interrupted fault inspection is
do not work on an energized circuit-breaker.
do not work on a circuit-breaker unless all of the
components are disconnected by means of a visible break
and securely grounded.
do not work on a circuit-breaker with power supplied to the
secondary control circuit.
do not defeat safety interlocks. This may result in bodily
injury, death and/or equipment damage.
do not work on a closed circuit-breaker.
do not work on a circuit-breaker with charged energy.
do not use a circuit-breaker by itself as the sole means of
isolating a high voltage circuit.
do not leave a circuit-breaker in an intermediate position in
a cell. Always have the circuit-breaker in the Disconnect, Test,
or Connect position.