ABB VM1 Installation And Service Instructions Manual page 51

Ansi 15 kv, 1200 a, 31.5 ka
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= Reference number of diagram figure
= See note indicated by the letter
= Circuit breaker accessories
= Control and switching unit
= Signalling contact for unit ready (correct position
and capacitor level)
= Signalling contact for unit not ready
= Signalling contact for circuit breaker closed
= Signalling contact for circuit breaker open
= Signalling contact for remote opening command
(100 ms close)
= Circuit breaker auxiliary contacts
= Position contact for signalling circuit-breaker
closed (limits witch with auxiliary supply)
= Position contact signalling circuit-breaker open
(limit switch with auxiliary supply)
= Position contact of the enclosure door
= Contacts signalling circuit-breaker in the
connected position
= Contacts signalling circuit-breaker in the
removed position
= Circuit-breaker position contact. It is open
during the travel of the breaker.
-CC1-CC2 = Capacitors
= Capacitor Fast Discharge (see note A)
= Closing coil
= Opening coil
= Humane machine interface with open/close
push buttons and ready signalling
= Green led lamp for local indication of control
and switching unit ready (correct position and
capacitor level)
-SC 1
= Pushbutton for the circuit-breaker local closing
= Pushbutton for the circuit-breaker local opening
= Diode
= Truck locking m agnet
= Pushbutton or contact for the circuit-breaker
remote closing
= Contact locking the circuit-breaker closing
(closing command allowed with close contact)
= Pushbutton or contact for the circuit-breaker
remote opening
= Auxiliary and safety opening
= Pushbutton or contact for the circuit-breaker
under voltage opening (contact closed when
voltage is present)
= Contact for the circuit-breaker opening by PR
512 only
= Serial bus interface for service operations only
(RS2 32 interface )
= Plug connector for the circuit-breaker circuits
= Rack- in / Rack-out contacts connector
= Rack- in / Rack-out contacts connector
= Circuit-breaker position contact connector
= Internal check connector
= Connectors for position sensors – BS3 and –
= Connectors for actuator and capacitor(s)
= Connectors for power supply
= Connectors for output contacts
= Connectors for binary in puts
= Connectors for local control pane l
= Connector for serial bus interface
= Connector for CFD (Capacitor Fast Discharge)

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