Before carrying out any operations, always make sure that the
capacitors are discharged.
To lift and handle the circuit-breaker, proceed as follows (Fig. 2c):
– use a special lifting tool (1) (not supplied) fitted with ropes
with safety hooks (2);
– insert the hooks (2) in the supports (3) fixed to the frame
of the circuit-breaker and lift. Latch the hooks (2) into the
support holes (3) according to the type of apparatus (see
– on completion of the operation (and in any case before
putting into service) unhook the lifting tool (1) and dismantle
the supports (3) from the frame.
During handling, take great care not to stress the insulating
parts and the terminals of the circuit-breaker.
Pole centre
150 mm
fig. 2c
Rated current
up to 1250 A
Circuit-breakers should be installed in their permanent
location as soon as possible. If the circuit-breakers are not
placed in service for some time, it is advisable to provide
adequate means of environmental protection. This may be
done by keeping the circuit-breaker in its original shipping
container and storing it in a warm, dry, and uncontaminated
atmosphere. The circuit-breakers should be stored to
minimize condensation. Moisture can cause deterioration of
metal parts and high voltage insulation.
Prior to storage of the circuit-breaker, verification should
be made that it is free from shipping damage and is in
satisfactory operating condition.
the aPPaRatuS MuSt not be handled by
Putting lifting deviCeS diReCtly undeR
the aPPaRatuS itSelf. Should it be
neCeSSaRy to uSe thiS teChnique, Put
the CiRCuit-bReakeR onto a Pallet oR a
StuRdy SuPPoRting SuRfaCe (See fig. 3). in
any CaSe, it iS alwayS adviSable to CaRRy
out lifting uSing the SuPPoRtS (3).
3.3. Storage
When a period of storage is foreseen, our workshops can (on
request) provide suitable packing for the specified storage
On receipt the apparatus must be carefully unpacked and
checked as described in Checking on receipt.
If immediate installation is not possible, the packing must be
replaced, using the original material supplied.
Insert special hygroscopic substances inside the packing,
using at least one standard packet per piece of apparatus.
Should the original packing not be available and immediate
installation is not possible, store in a covered, well-ventilated,
dry, dust-free, non-corrosive ambient, away from any
flammable materials and at a temperature between –5 °C and
+45 °C.
In any case avoid accidental impact or positions which stress
the structure of the apparatus.
the ShiPPing ContaineRS PRovided aRe not
deSigned foR StaCking.