4.2.3. operations before putting into service
Before putting the circuit-breaker into service, carry out the
following operations:
– remove the lifting hooks;
– check tightness of the power connections at the circuit-
breaker terminals;
– establish the setting of the primary electronic overcurrent
release (if provided);
– check that the value of the power supply voltage of the
auxiliary circuits is between 85% and 110% of the rated
voltage of the electrical accessories;
– remount any covers removed during the testing operations;
– check that no foreign bodies, such as bits of packing, have
got into the moving parts;
– remount the covers which may have been removed during
the testing operations;
iteM inSPeCted
Insulation resistance.
Auxiliary circuits.
Auxiliary contacts in the drive.
Locking electromagnet on the
circuit-breaker truck (-RL2).
Auxiliary transmitted contacts
signalling circuit-breaker
racked-in, isolated (UniGear
switchgear or PowerCube
Medium voltage circuit
With a 2500 V megger, measure the insulation
resistance between the phases and the exposed
conductive part of the circuit.
auxiliary circuits
With a 500 V megger (if the apparatus installed
allows this), measure the insulation resistance
between the auxiliary circuits and the exposed
conductive part.
N.B. Before carrying out the test, disconnect the
earthing of the electronic card from the circuit-
breaker frame and reconnect it after the test.
Check that the connections to the control circuit
are correct: proceed with the relative power supply.
Insert the auxiliary contacts in suitable signalling
Carry out a few closing and opening operations.
With the circuit-breaker open, in the isolated for
test position, and the locking electromagnet not
supplied, attempt to rack in the circuit-breaker.
Supply the locking electromagnet and carry out the
racking-in operation.
Insert the auxiliary contacts in suitable signalling
With the circuit-breaker racked into the enclosure,
carry out a few traversing operations from the
isolated for test position to the racked-in position.
Take the circuit-breaker to the racked-out position.
– check that there is a sufficient exchange of air in the
installation place to avoid overtemperatures;
– supply the auxiliary circuits with power;
– supply the -SO4 input (opening function for undervoltage)
and the -SL1 input (lock on closing function) before carrying
out the closing operation;
– check the functionality and efficiency of the mechanical and
electrical locks;
– carry out a few circuit-breaker opening and closing
operations by means of the pushbuttons on the front of the
– in the case of a circuit-breaker with motorized isolation,
check the direction of motor rotation and the direction of
truck racking-in/racking-out;
– also carry out the checks indicated in table T3.
PoSitive CheCk
The insulation resistance should be at least 50 Mohm
and in any case constant over time.
The insulation resistance should be a few Mohm and in
any case constant over time.
Operations and signals are normal.
The signals take place normally.
Racking-in is not possible.
Racking-in takes place correctly.
The signals due to the relative operations take place
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