L3 Nova Engineering NovaRoam MH902 User Manual page 22

Table of Contents


Wireless Tab
The Wireless Tab provides the following statistical information regarding the wireless performance of the
Bytes received. Total number of bytes successfully received by the NovaRoam's wireless
Packets received. Total number of packets successfully received by the NovaRoam's wireless
Received packets dropped. Total number of packets received by the NovaRoam's wireless
interface that failed the validation check for problems such as a corrupted CRC.
Packets received with bad length. Total number of packets received by the NovaRoam's
wireless interface that contained checksum errors involving length.
Packets received with bad CRC. Total number of packets received by the NovaRoam's
wireless interface that contained checksum errors.
Bytes transmitted. Total number of bytes transmitted over the NovaRoam's wireless interface.
Packets transmitted. Total number of packets transmitted over the NovaRoam's wireless
Packets repeated. Number of repeated packet transmissions. If a transmission fails to receive a
confirmation of successful reception, the packet is retransmitted.
Batt Status Tab
The Batt Status Tab provides the following statistical information regarding the battery performance when
a battery is connected to the NovaRoam.
Battery Monitoring. Indicates whether Battery Monitoring has been activated. Battery
Monitoring is enabled by placing a checkmark next to the Enable Battery Testing option, which
is located on the Serial Mode tab of the Interfaces configuration page.
AC Power. 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
Charge status. 0 = ON, 1 = OFF
Battery failure. 0 = ON, 1 = OFF
Temperature of BCS. Internal temperature of the NovaRoam, in ° F.
Battery voltage. This value should be 12 to 13 volts unless the battery is discharging.


Table of Contents

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