L3 Nova Engineering NovaRoam MH902 User Manual page 21

Table of Contents


Default TTL. Time-to-live value used to determine how long a packet that has not reached its
destination will remain on the network prior to be discarded.
Total datagrams received. Total number of IP data packets received.
Datagrams with header errors. Total number of received IP data packets that contain errors in
the header (i.e., incorrect IP header length).
Datagrams with address errors. Total number of received IP data packets that contain address
Datagrams forwarded. Total number of IP data packets that are forwarded because the
receiving radio was not the intended destination.
Datagrams with unknown protocols. Total number of data packets received with protocols not
recognized by the radio.
Input datagrams discarded. Total number of IP data packets received which were discarded
because the node was too busy.
Datagrams delivered. Total number of IP data packets successfully delivered to the destination
Datagrams sent. Total number of IP data packets sent.
Output datagrams discarded. Total number of data packets sent which were discarded
because the node was too busy.
Datagrams discarded due to no route. Total number of data packets discarded due to the lack
of correct routing information.
Timeout value for reassembly queue. Duration before the reassembly queue is cleared and
the connection is dropped.
Fragments received needing reassembly. Total number of received IP data packet fragments
that require reassembly. If a data packet cannot be sent in a single transmission, it will be broken
into fragments and then reassembled upon receipt.
Datagrams successfully reassembled. Total number of fragmented IP data packets received
and reassembled.
Fragment reassembly failures. Total number of fragmented IP data packets received that could
not be reassembled.
Datagrams successfully fragmented. Total number of IP data packet fragments generated.
Datagrams failing to fragment. Total number of data packets discarded because the
fragmentation process failed to fragment the packets.
Fragments created. Total number of IP data packet fragments created.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents