Fault Finding and User Repair
For details on fault finding and error messages, refer to Industrial
800xA for Advant Master, Configuration (3BSE030340*).
Operator Messages
If incorrect parameters are specified, or if other communication problems occur, an
operator message is issued. The message is included in the event list. The event list
must be of type 'Operator Messages List' set up at the time of system configuration.
The following additional operational messages specific to Safeguard 400 Series
controllers apply.
Dual: Command executed in one of the dual nodes only
The command given from the operator station has only been executed by one of the
controllers in the Safeguard system. Check if both controllers are available on the
network or if one of them is in configuration mode.
Dual: Command not executed. Nodes currently not available
The command given from the operator station has not been executed by any of the
controllers in the Safeguard system. Try to give the command once more, if no
improvement, check whether the controllers are overloaded.
Section 3 Operator Messages
800xA, System,
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