ABB 800xA User Manual

ABB 800xA User Manual

Multisystem integration
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Table of Contents


System 800xA
Multisystem Integration
System Version 5.1
Power and productivity
for a better world


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for ABB 800xA

  • Page 1 System 800xA Multisystem Integration System Version 5.1 Power and productivity for a better world...
  • Page 3 System 800xA Multisystem Integration System Version 5.1...
  • Page 4 In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard- ware described in this document.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Section 1 - Introduction Product Overview ......................13 Product Scope.......................13 New in This Release.....................16 Prerequisites and Requirements ..................17 Section 2 - Installation 800xA Multisystem Integration Installation..............19 Recommended Hardware Configurations................23 Small Configuration .....................24 Medium/Large Configuration................25 Section 3 - Configuration Introduction ........................27 Remote Access Server .....................27 Overview ......................27...
  • Page 6 Table of Contents Read-only System ....................31 User Mapping ...................... 31 Password Configuration ..................32 Remote Access Server Advanced Configuration..........32 Remote Access Client ..................... 35 Overview ......................35 Creation of a Remote Access Client ..............35 Remote Access Client Advanced Configuration ..........38 Upload Configuration ..................
  • Page 7 Upgrade Procedure....................96 Appendix A - Error Messages Appendix B - Fault Tracing Physical Connection and Network Configuration..........107 800xA Multisystem Integration Installation ............107 Protocol Status and Versions................108 Trends, Alarms and Events Time Synchronization ..........108 Process Graphics Color ..................108 No Alarm and Event in the Subscriber System..........109 Alarm with Object GUID Instead of Object Name..........109...
  • Page 8 Table of Contents Revision History Introduction ........................117 Revision History......................117 Updates in Revision Index A..................118 Updates in Revision Index B..................118 Updates in Revision Index C..................119 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 9: About This User Manual

    Any security measures described in this User Manual, for example, for user access, password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, etc., represent possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider based on a risk assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk...
  • Page 10: User Manual Conventions

    *Feature Pack Functionality Feature Pack functionality in an existing figure is indicated using callouts. Unless noted, all other information in this User Manual applies to 800xA Systems with or without a Feature Pack installed. Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons This User Manual includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate to point out safety related or other important information.
  • Page 11: Terminology

    Warning and Caution notices. Terminology A complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA System Guide Functional Description (3BSE038018*). The listing includes terms and definitions that apply to the 800xA System where the usage is different from commonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions given in standard dictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms.
  • Page 12: Released User Manuals And Release Notes

    Released User Manuals and Release Notes About This User Manual Released User Manuals and Release Notes A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA is provided in System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*).
  • Page 13: Section 1 Introduction

    Section 1 Introduction Product Overview Product Scope 800xA Multisystem Integration makes it possible to supervise and operate several 800xA systems from one central operating room. The 800xA subscriber and provider systems can be in the same Windows domain, different Windows domain, or different workgroups.
  • Page 14 Product Scope Section 1 Introduction Remote Access Client Remote Access Server Network Provider system Subscriber system Figure 1. Subscriber and Provider Configuration The network between the subscribers and the providers can be anything from a high speed LAN 100 MBit/s down to modem connection with a speed of 128 kBit/s. A password and encryption can be used to secure the connection between the provider and the subscriber.
  • Page 15 Section 1 Introduction Product Scope Subscriber system Network Provider system Provider system Figure 2. One subscriber Supervising two Providers For more information about network configurations refer to System 800xA, Network, Configuration (3BSE034463*). 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 16: New In This Release

    Control with Multisystem Integration, the responsibility can be taken locally on the provider system, and remote on the subscriber system. For more information on the Point of Control function, refer to Point of Control section in System 800xA Administration and Security (3BSE037410*).
  • Page 17: Prerequisites And Requirements

    The version of the Multisystem Integration must belong to the same system version as Process Portal A and the other used system extensions. To be able to use 800xA Multisystem Integration a separate license has to be purchased. 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 18 Prerequisites and Requirements Section 1 Introduction 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 19: Section 2 Installation

    Section 2 Installation 800xA Multisystem Integration Installation The 800xA Multisystem Integration wizard is used to install the 800xA Multisystem Integration. Perform the following steps: Select Installation media. Double-click on the Setup.exe program. Select 800xA Multisystem Integration product, click Install. The 800xA Multisystem Integration installation startup dialog is displayed, see...
  • Page 20 800xA Multisystem Integration Installation Section 2 Installation Figure 3. Installation Startup Display Continue the installation and fill in the requested information. You can change the path of installation directory. Click Browse to change the path of installation directory, see Figure...
  • Page 21 800xA Multisystem Integration Installation Figure 4. Installation Path After the installation of 800xA Multisystem Integration the system extension must be loaded. The Configuration Wizard is used to install 800xA Multisystem Integration System Extensions. Select System Administration. Select system > System Extensions.
  • Page 22 Section 2 Installation Figure 5. Installation System Extension Click Next and then Finish. The loading of the 800xA Multisystem Integration system extension is finished. After loading the 800xA Multisystem Integration re-boot the machine; otherwise the Remote Access Server and Remote Access Client fails to start.
  • Page 23: Recommended Hardware Configurations

    This chapter describes different configurations, used for a small and medium/large systems. There are no special hardware requirements for 800xA Multisystem Integration, except the requirements for the 800xA Core system software. The time difference between a Remote Access Client and a remote Access Server should be reasonable, normally less than a minute.
  • Page 24: Small Configuration

    Small Configuration Section 2 Installation Small Configuration For a small configuration, some few hundreds of I/O-signals, the Remote Access Server can run in the same node as the Connectivity and Aspect Directory servers.  It is not recommended to run on an operative workplace on the same node. Aspect Directory Server Aspect Directory Server Connectivity Server...
  • Page 25: Medium/Large Configuration

    For larger systems and to minimize impact on the provider and subscriber system may a separate node be used for the Remote Access Server and Remote Access Client. For more information about Multisystem Integration network configuration refer to System 800xA, Network, Configuration (3BSE034463*). 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 26 Medium/Large Configuration Section 2 Installation 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 27: Section 3 Configuration

    Windows domain users or user mapping, mandatory. Remote Access Server Overview The 800xA system to be supervised is called the Provider system, since it provides the supervising system with data. The supervisor system is called the Subscriber, since it subscribes to values from the provider.
  • Page 28: Creation Of A Remote Access Server

    Creation of a Remote Access Server Section 3 Configuration Creation of a Remote Access Server The Configuration Wizard is used to create the Remote Access Server in the provider system. Perform the following steps: Select the System Administration option, click Next, see Figure Figure 9.
  • Page 29 Section 3 Configuration Creation of a Remote Access Server Select Remote Access Server option, click Next, see Figure Figure 10. Create Remote Access Server 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 30 Creation of a Remote Access Server Section 3 Configuration The Add a Remote Access Server dialog box is displayed, see Figure Figure 11. Add Remote Access Server The following are configured in this dialog: • Node to run the Remote Access Server service provider. •...
  • Page 31: Node Configuration

    Section 3 Configuration Node Configuration Click Next, see and then in new screen click Finish. Figure 11 Node Configuration The recommended node to run the Remote Access Server service differs depending on the size of the system. See section Recommended Hardware Configurations page 23.
  • Page 32: Password Configuration

    Password Configuration Section 3 Configuration The wildcard character ‘*’ can be used instead of a Windows account name in the subscriber system. Use this method only to map to a read-only or Guest user in the provider system, since it opens up a system for write from all accounts in the subscriber system.
  • Page 33 Section 3 Configuration Remote Access Server Advanced Configuration • Port number to use for the connection • Usage of encryption for the connection To configure port number and encryption usage for a connection, select the Service Structure and select the object Services/Remote Access Server/Basic, Service Group.
  • Page 34 Remote Access Server Advanced Configuration Section 3 Configuration client against the provider, even if an unauthorized user gets physical access to the network. Encrypting the traffic between the Remote Access Server and Remote Access Client will result in a not noticeable performance decrease. If a user wants to change the password, the old password must be given before a new password is accepted.
  • Page 35: Remote Access Client

    Section 3 Configuration Remote Access Client Remote Access Client Overview The Remote Access Client service communicates with the Remote Access Server, but resides on the subscriber system. There is always a one-to-one relation between one Remote Access Client and one Remote Access Server, i.e. it only communicates with one Remote Access Server.
  • Page 36 Creation of a Remote Access Client Section 3 Configuration Figure 15. New Object Dialog Box for Remote System Object Enter the Name, and click Next, the system displays Additional Arguments dialog, see Figure 16. The name given for the Remote System object will be presented in faceplates, process displays, alarm lists, trends, and history logs.
  • Page 37 Section 3 Configuration Creation of a Remote Access Client Figure 16. Configuring the Connect Account Enter the Remote system IP address, and click Set Connect Account to configure the Connect Account. The user specified should be a local user, or a domain user.
  • Page 38: Remote Access Client Advanced Configuration

    Remote Access Client Advanced Configuration Section 3 Configuration Click OK. Click Set Password, see Figure 16. Password only have to be set if encryption is used. Figure 18. Set Password Enter the password as specified in the Provider System (Remote Access Server), and click OK.
  • Page 39 Section 3 Configuration Remote Access Client Advanced Configuration Figure 19. Remote Access Client, Special Configuration Tab To configure the Remote Access Client, execute the following steps: The Connect account must be configured on the node that executes the Remote Access Client (AfwRAC.exe). If the system is redundant, the Connect account must be configured twice.
  • Page 40 Remote Access Client Advanced Configuration Section 3 Configuration Figure 20. Connect Account The Remote Access Client (RAC) must be restarted after applying the Connect Method. Specify the Account used to connect to the Remote Access Server (Provider) and click OK. See Figure Click Set Password, see Figure...
  • Page 41: Upload Configuration

    Before any objects in the provider system can be used in the subscriber system, proxy objects for the remote objects must be created in the subscriber system.  This is done through an upload operation. Refer to the System 800xA, Tools (2PAA101888*) instruction for details.
  • Page 42 Upload Configuration Section 3 Configuration Figure 23. Upload Configuration Dialog Box Select the desired structure/object from the provider system in the left structure selector (Remote object path). To include or remove the child objects of the selected object, select or deselect the Include children check box appropriately. The Follow references check box controls if objects needed by an uploaded aspect should be included in the upload as well.
  • Page 43 Section 3 Configuration Upload Configuration the remote system will be uploaded below the Remote System/Inventory object in the Control Structure, in addition to the selected structure. Figure 24. Inventory Object The “Include children” and “Follow References” configuration are shown in the Upload Configuration tab in the columns References and Child Count after an upload.
  • Page 44 Figure 26. Aspect Category Definition, Extended Configuration Tab There are three ways to treat an aspect category when it is uploaded by 800xA Multisystem Integration. 800xA system extensions have predefined this setting, so it is very rare that this setting has to be changed.
  • Page 45 The aspect system for the copied aspect must be installed both on the provider and the subscriber system and support the 800xA Multisystem Integration System Extension. If structures are added and uploaded but later removed from the upload configuration, in some cases, objects will be left in the subscriber.
  • Page 46: Running Upload

    Running Upload Section 3 Configuration Node Structure Alarm and events for objects not uploaded will be discarded in the subscriber system. If alarms and events for actions related to nodes in the provider are wanted the Node Administration structure should be uploaded to the subscriber. Navigate to the Node Administration structure in the upload browser and select the node group “All Nodes”...
  • Page 47 Section 3 Configuration Running Upload Activation of an upload is done from the Upload Execution tab on the System Connection aspect found on the Remote System object. It is not possible to abort an upload when the finalization of the VBPG has started.
  • Page 48 Running Upload Section 3 Configuration configuration by un-checking the aspect category in the list above. Unchecking means the aspect category will not be uploaded. All aspects with OPC properties, Log configurations, and Log templates will also be uploaded unless “Ignore at upload” is checked on the aspect category. The upload execution running in the Remote Access Client and will continue even if the Plant Explorer is closed.
  • Page 49 Section 3 Configuration Running Upload Client, Special Configuration tab. See section Remote Access Client Advanced Configuration on page 38. Figure 29. Upload Configuration after Upload The Upload Configuration tab shows how the upload is configured. The References field will show Followed if the Follow references check box was selected. The Child Count will show number of children uploaded.
  • Page 50 Running Upload Section 3 Configuration Clicking the Clean button removes all proxy objects and aspects uploaded for the system represented by the Remote System object. After clicking the Clean button confirm the clean function by selecting Yes in the dialog shown below. Figure 30.
  • Page 51: Proxy Objects

    Section 3 Configuration Proxy Objects Figure 31. System Connection, Run Consistency Tab If any inconsistencies are found during the check, the Run Correct button is enabled. When clicked it will try to correct the inconsistencies. If it fails, a new upload must be performed.
  • Page 52 Proxy Objects Section 3 Configuration Remote Object Info Aspect Figure 32. Remote Object Info Aspect The Remote Object Info aspect shows the object name, the remote system name, and a list of uploaded aspects. The remote system name is the name of the Remote System object in the subscriber system, and may differ from the real provider system name.
  • Page 53: Proxy Control Connection

    Section 3 Configuration Proxy Control Connection %Name:Relative Name%[%Remote Object Info%@%%][%Type Name%,%%] Proxy Control Connection A Proxy Control Connection aspect is created on the Proxy object for all aspects that defines OPC properties not marked as “Ignore at upload” in the remote system.  The Proxy Control Connection shows the information for all properties, and can be used when building faceplates and displays like any other control connection aspects.
  • Page 54: Data Subscription

    For details about security configuration, see System 800xA, Administration and Security (3BSE037410*). Advanced Access Control If the advanced access control functions, re-authentication and double- authentication, are used in the provider system it must also be activated in the subscriber system.
  • Page 55 For Advant Master controllers the fixed cyclic rates (1s, 3s, or 9s) should be used as subscription values freely selected may give a significant higher load in the controller. See System 800xA for Advant Master, Configuration (3BSE030340*) for more guidelines regarding Advant Master data subscription.
  • Page 56: Process Displays

    In some applications it is useful to have process displays that show values from more than one provider. With 800xA Multisystem Integration this is easily achieved, since the uploaded proxy aspect works identically with all other aspects with OPC data.
  • Page 57: History And Trends

    Section 3 Configuration History and Trends Adding new faceplates for a proxy object is done the same way as building faceplates for a single system. It is also possible to build faceplates that work against more than one provider system. History and Trends The trend displays are also transferred with their log configuration during an upload, the references are changed to the uploaded proxy objects.
  • Page 58: Alarm And Events

    Alarm and Events Section 3 Configuration supported link is found during the first upload, the upload will automatically create a History Group with the supported link configured. It is recommended to use a separate History service for communication with provider system(s). Alarm and Events When the Remote System object is created, one event collector service is created automatically and assigned to handle subscription for the remote system.
  • Page 59 Section 3 Configuration Alarm and Events The Alarm and Event List configured on the subscriber to show the alarms from the provider systems must be reconfigured to show the column SystemName. The SystemName column shows the name of the provider system, i.e the name of the Remote system object.
  • Page 60 Feature Pack Functionality______________________________________________________________________ Point of Control Support This section applies to the System 800xA 5.1 Feature Pack release only. Point of Control is a concept that allows division of the plant into sections. The operator controlling a section is called the Responsible User. The Responsible User has all access rights for the section.
  • Page 61: Enabling Point Of Control

    Security (3BSE037410*). Execute one of the following methods to enable the Point of Control: Select Point of Control from Start > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System > System Configuration Console > Security. In the System 800xA Configuration Console dialog, select Yes, enable Point...
  • Page 62: Upload Configuration

    Upload Configuration Section 3 Configuration Select System Setting aspect from Admin Structure > Subscriber2, Domain (System Name). In this aspect, select True in the Values column for Point of Control (see Figure 38). Figure 38. Enabling the Point of Control through System Setting Aspect The Point of Control feature is configured by a System Engineer.
  • Page 63: User Mapping

    Section 3 Configuration User Mapping User Mapping Ensure that the mapped users belong to the same user group in the provider, similar to that in the subscriber. If the user groups other than the default groups are used, they must be exported from the provider and imported to the subscriber. Node Configuration To take the responsibility in the subscriber system, All Nodes must be used as node configuration in the provider system.
  • Page 64: Asset Optimization

    Section 3 Configuration Feature Pack Functionality______________________________________________________________________ Asset Optimization This section applies to the System 800xA 5.1 Feature Pack release only. Asset Optimization brings maintenance management to the operator environment to provide a single window interface for all Asset Management related operations.
  • Page 65: Configuration

    Section 3 Configuration Configuration Table 1. Mapping for Asset Optimization aspects and Web View aspect Provider System Subscriber System Fault Report Submitter Fault Report Submitter Web View CMMS View(s) CMMS Web View(s) Configuration The Web View aspects communicate with the AOWebServerNode in the provider system using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) / Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) communication protocol.
  • Page 66 Configuration Section 3 Configuration Figure 40. Asset Optimization Configuration Aspect-Main View The default communication protocol is HTTPS. It is Communication Protocol. also possible to use the HTTP protocol. When HTTP protocol is used, the data passed between Subscriber and Provider is not encrypted.
  • Page 67: Https Communication Protocol

    Section 3 Configuration HTTPS Communication Protocol The default configuration is to use the AOWebServerNode AOWebServerNode. host name for the communicating with the Provider Asset Optimization Server. It is possible to use the IP address of AOWebServerNode for communication instead of the host name.
  • Page 68 HTTPS Communication Protocol Section 3 Configuration The recommendation for RSA Key Size is 1024 bits. For information on generating certificate request, installing the certificate, and renewing the certificate, refer to the Microsoft Internet Information Server documentation. IIS Site Bindings After installing the SSL certificate, the HTTPS binding must be added to the Internet Information Server running on the AOWebServerNode to allow the HTTPS communication in the Provider system.
  • Page 69 Section 3 Configuration HTTPS Communication Protocol Importing Root Certificates The certificate of the issuing Certificate Authority must be added to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the Asset Optimization Client and Server Nodes in the Subscriber system. Execute the following steps to import the certificate: Select Start and enter mmc in the Search field.
  • Page 70 HTTPS Communication Protocol Section 3 Configuration Select File > Add/Remove Snap-in. The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog appears. Figure 45. Add or Remove Snap-ins Select Certificates and click Add. The Certificates snap-in dialog appears. 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 71 Section 3 Configuration HTTPS Communication Protocol Figure 46. Add or Remove Snap-ins Select an account and click Finish. Right-click Trusted Root Certification Authorities and select All Tasks > Import from the context menu. Figure 47. Importing Trusted Root Certification Authorities ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 72: Limitations

    Confirmed write is used to write SIL-data to High Integrity (HI) controllers. Object Lock Object lock for systems with mixed AC800M controller and 800xA for Advant Master controllers are supported. The only lock policy supported is Lock Optional for Operation.
  • Page 73 Section 3 Configuration Limitations Object lock policy must be the same for the subscriber and all providers. It is not possible to have different lock policies on different systems. The Power Plant libraries for PI and PT cannot be used together. 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 74 Limitations Section 3 Configuration 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 75: Section 4 Operation

    MBit/s or higher the delay is hardly noticeable. This section shows additions and deviations in operation for Multisystem Integration compared to ordinary operation. See System 800xA, Operations (3BSE036904*). Process Displays Process displays with process provider system work the same way as local process displays, with the addition that the name and tool-tip for objects include the system name.
  • Page 76: Faceplates

    Faceplates Section 4 Operation In order to show System Alarms from Advant Master Controllers, an additional upload of AC 400 System Event Names and descendant objects in the Control Structure needs to be performed. Faceplates Faceplates for a remote provider system work in the same way as a faceplate for a local object.
  • Page 77: History Log Updates

    Feature Pack Functionality______________________________________________________________________ Operating the Point of Control This section applies to the System 800xA 5.1 Feature Pack release only. This section describes the procedure to use the Point of Control feature for Multisystem Integration,...
  • Page 78: Point Of Control Summary Aspect

    Section 4 Operation For more information on using the Point of Control feature, refer to the Point of Control section in System 800xA, Operations (3BSE036904*). Point of Control Summary Aspect The Point of Control Summary aspect displays the responsibility status of all configured sections.
  • Page 79: Transfer Of Responsibility

    • Grab Responsibility • Release Responsibility For more information, refer to Transfer of Responsibility section in System 800xA, Operations (3BSE036904*). Request Responsibility The responsibility of a section can be requested using the object context menu. When a user requests the responsibility of a section, a tree structure including the section with subsections is displayed.
  • Page 80 Transfer of Responsibility Section 4 Operation Figure 51. Request Responsibility Dialog Type the message in the Message, describing the reason for the responsibility request. The message will be shown to the responsible user and stored in the audit list. Select the sections to take over the responsibility and click Send Request. 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 81 Section 4 Operation Transfer of Responsibility After the request for the section is sent, the Handover Responsibility dialog appears to the current responsible user in the corresponding node. The current responsible user can select Accept all, Deny all, or Accept Selected sections (see Figure 52).
  • Page 82 Transfer of Responsibility Section 4 Operation If the responsible user accepts the request, the responsibility is immediately transferred and a confirmation is sent to the new responsible user (see Figure 53). Figure 53. Request Responsibility after the Request is Taken 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 83 Section 4 Operation Transfer of Responsibility If the user in the subscriber system is not mapped in the provider system, the error message will be displayed in the Status column (see Figure 54). The responsibility is kept in the subscriber system when the connection is broken.
  • Page 84: Asset Optimization

    Asset Optimization Section 4 Operation Feature Pack Functionality______________________________________________________________________ Asset Optimization This section applies to the System 800xA 5.1 Feature Pack release only. This section describes the usage of Asset Optimization with Multisystem Integration. Condition Reporting and Monitoring, and Work Order Management...
  • Page 85: Cmms Views (Maximo, Sap/Pm)

    Section 4 Operation CMMS Views (Maximo, SAP/PM) If the Read-only connection check box is selected while configuring the Remote Access Server, it shall not be possible to Dismiss the fault report, Submit, or Create a new Work Order using the Fault Reporter Submitter Web View in the Subscriber system.
  • Page 86: Authentication

    Authentication Section 4 Operation The highlighted hyperlink in the CMMS Web View aspects opens the corresponding CMMS system web portal pages. Connectivity to the CMMS Web Portal from the Asset Optimization nodes is required in the Subscriber system. Authentication The access to the Web View aspects is restricted using the Windows Integrated Authentication on the Provider system.
  • Page 87: Section 5 Maintenance

    Section 5 Maintenance Backup and Restore The configuration data for the proxy objects has to be included in the Backup and Restore. The backup configuration is done in the Maintenance structure. Select the Backup Definition object, and create an object below it of type Full Backup.  A recommendation is to include the remote system name and current date in its name.
  • Page 88 Access Client service proxy object data. For a description about how to make a restore of the Aspect Directory data, refer to System 800xA, Administration and Security (3BSE037410*). When a provider system is restored, the Aspect Directory and the file set distribution services obtain new service identities.
  • Page 89: System Alarms And Events

    Without a valid backup of the Remote Access Client, the provider system must be uploaded again to the subscriber system. System Alarms and Events 800xA generates a number of system alarms and events. Table 5 shows under what conditions they are generated.
  • Page 90: Audit Events

    ('%IPADDR%) end. It is possible to turn all system events into a system alarm with help of the System Alarm function. Refer to the System 800xA, Configuration (3BDS011222*) instruction for details. Audit Events Audit events are generated both in the subscriber and provider, but for different activities.
  • Page 91: System Status

    The system status function is extended to facilitate fault tracing of a remote system connection. The overview part is the same as in a regular 800xA system, but the service provider object can be opened to show more details about the connection between the Remote Access Server and Remote Access Client.
  • Page 92 System Status Section 5 Maintenance Figure 56. System Status Overview The Remote Access Server and Remote Access Client show up in the system status viewer like all other services, using the same color scheme to indicate if there are any problems with the services. A difference between the Remote Access Server/Remote Access Client and other services is that the service can work correctly, but still fail to fulfill its duties because the other part, the subscriber/provider, is not working correctly.
  • Page 93 Section 5 Maintenance System Status Figure 57. System Status Details, Remote Access Server The system status details for the Remote Access Server shows incoming connections for Remote Access Clients to the Remote Access Server, OPC Data Access clients, Alarm and Event clients, and OPC History Data Access clients. Similar information can be viewed on the Remote Access Client.
  • Page 94 System Status Section 5 Maintenance Figure 59. Remote Access Client, Connection Tab Table 7 describes each field. Table 7. Remote Access Client, Connection Tab Description Item Description IP-Address Numeric or symbolic IP-Address of the Remote Access Server System Name Provider system name, i.e the Remote System object name 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 95 Section 5 Maintenance System Status Table 7. Remote Access Client, Connection Tab Description Item Description Error code Error code if there is any problem with the connection, see Appendix A for details Connect time Time when the connection was established Time difference Difference between the system clocks in the subscriber and provider...
  • Page 96: Upgrade Procedure

    Upgrade Procedure Section 5 Maintenance More information is available in the Protocol tab. Figure 60. Remote Access Client, Protocol Tab The information in the Protocols tab is similar to the Connections tab information, but the information is separated for the different protocols used between the Remote Access Client and Remote Access Server.
  • Page 97 Section 5 Maintenance Upgrade Procedure When upgrading the Multisystem Integration, also Process Portal A and all used system extensions should be upgraded to the same service pack or release. 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 98 Upgrade Procedure Section 5 Maintenance 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 99: Appendix A Error Messages

    The 800xA Multisystem Integration extends the error messages, shown in upload logs or as message boxes, possible to receive from the 800xA system with its own set of messages. The table below lists the error messages, and a short explanation of the cause.
  • Page 100 BAD_VERSION The version of the Remote Access Server and Client is different and no common version can be found. Installation of the same version of 800xA Multisystem Integration on both the provider and subscriber solves the problem. CONSYS_INVALIDACCOUNT The account name or password is wrong for the connect account.
  • Page 101 Appendix A Error Messages Table 8. 800xA Multisystem Integration Error Messages (Continued) Error Messages Description FILE_FORMAT File format error in Remote Access Client service data. This may happen if a newer version of the Multisystem Integration function is installed and will require a full new upload to get correct data.
  • Page 102 Appendix A Error Messages Table 8. 800xA Multisystem Integration Error Messages (Continued) Error Messages Description NO_LICENSE There is no enough number of licenses for Multisystem Integration NO_LOCAL_INSERT_POSITION The object configured as parent to the uploaded objects do not exists. Check the upload configuration.
  • Page 103 Appendix A Error Messages Table 8. 800xA Multisystem Integration Error Messages (Continued) Error Messages Description NOHOST No valid host definition for Remote Access Client. Check the configuration of the Remote Access client. NOT_INITED Internal error. Object used without being initialized.
  • Page 104 Appendix A Error Messages Table 8. 800xA Multisystem Integration Error Messages (Continued) Error Messages Description RAC_HAS_BEEN_DELETED Internal error. Failed to upload event categories. RAS_UNIT_NOT_OPEN Internal error. Data received to non-existing RAS unit. RAC_UNIT_NOT_OPEN Internal error. No Remote Access Client unit to send data to.
  • Page 105 Control Structure. If the suggested action does not solve the problem or, if the error is internal without suggestion for correction, collect the error information and contact the ABB support organization. In case the error is presented as a hexadecimal figure, like 8ABB0091, the program AfwErrorLookup.exe could often be used to get a description of the error.
  • Page 106 Appendix A Error Messages 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 107: Appendix B Fault Tracing

    Remote Access Client and Remote Access Server. Physical Connection and Network Configuration For the 800xA Multisystem Integration to work the physical and logical network connections must be configured correctly. To check this make the following steps from the subscriber system: In a Windows command window run: ping <provider IP-address>...
  • Page 108: Protocol Status And Versions

    Protocol Status and Versions Appendix B Fault Tracing Protocol Status and Versions Check protocol status and versions in the Service Structure, Service Provider Definition aspect, Protocols tab. Trends, Alarms and Events Time Synchronization For a remote connection to work properly, check the time difference between the subscriber and provider.
  • Page 109: No Alarm And Event In The Subscriber System

    Appendix B Fault Tracing No Alarm and Event in the Subscriber System No Alarm and Event in the Subscriber System If there are no Alarm and Event from the provider system in the subscriber, check the following: Is the connection to the provider up and running? Is the object generating the alarm uploaded to the subscriber system? If not, make sure to upload it, because alarms from objects not uploaded will not be shown in the alarm list.
  • Page 110 No System Alarm in the Provider System Appendix B Fault Tracing In the Library Structure, select System Messages object, see Figure Figure 62. System Alarm Select Default System Config aspect from the Aspects of ‘System Messages’ list. Select Disconnected from the Messages list. Click >> to include the Disconnected message in the Messages that will generate System Alarms list.
  • Page 111 Appendix B Fault Tracing No System Alarm in the Provider System Figure 63. Messages that will generate System Alarms Select Inactive At Acknowledge option. Click Apply, see Figure 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 112 No System Alarm in the Provider System Appendix B Fault Tracing 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 113 Index Numerics Faceplates 56 Process Displays 56 800xA Extended System 9 Trends 57 Configuration Wizard 28 Configuring the Connect Account 37 Abort 48 Confirm write 54 Acknowledge alarm 76 see Safety write 72 Advanced Access Control 54 Confirmed write 72...
  • Page 114 Index Index Global silence 76 Password 30, 32 Guest 32 Change 34 ping 107 Port number 33 Process Display configuration 56 Ignore at upload 45, 48 Provider 13, 27 Import/Export tool 56, 108 Provider services 45, 93 Include Children 42, 49 Proxy aspect 45 Inventory object 43 Proxy Control Connection aspect 53...
  • Page 115 Index Subscriber 13, 27 Subscription Configuration 55 Subscription times 54 System alarms 89 System Connection Consistency Check 50 Upload Configuration tab 41 Upload Execution tab 47 System Connection aspect 41 System events 89 System status 91 SystemName 59, 77 TCP/IP-addresses 27 Time Synchronization 76 to 77, 90, 95, 108 Time synchronization 23 Tool-tip 75...
  • Page 116 Index Index 3BSE037076-510 D 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 117: Revision History

    Revision History Introduction This section provides information on the revision history of this User Manual. The revision index of this User Manual is not related to the 800xA 5.1 System Revision. Revision History The following table lists the revision history of this User Manual.
  • Page 118: Updates In Revision Index A

    Updates in Revision Index A Updates in Revision Index A The following table shows the updates made in this User Manual for 800xA 5.1 Rev A. Updated Section/Sub-section Description of Update Section 1, New in This Release Added a new subsection Connect Method for Multisystem Integration.
  • Page 119: Updates In Revision Index C

    Updates in Revision Index C Updates in Revision Index C The following table shows the updates made in this User Manual for 800xA 5.1 Feature Pack 3. Updated Section/Sub-section Description of Update Section 1, New in This Release Added a new subsection Asset Optimization with Multisystem Integration.
  • Page 120 Updates in Revision Index D 3BSE037076-510 D...
  • Page 122 Mannheim, Germany Phone: +86 (0) 10 84566688-2193 Phone: +49 1805 26 67 76 e-mail: Copyright © 2003-2016 by ABB. ABB S.P.A. All rights reserved. Control Technologies Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy Phone: +39 02 24147 555 e-mail:

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