Ïðåäîñòîðîæíîñòè È Ðåêîìåíäàöèè - Hotpoint Ariston RMBH 1200F Operating Instructions Manual

Table of Contents


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Description of the appliance
Temperature Adjustment
Temperature Adjustment
ON/OFF - it is possible to switch the whole product (both
the refrigerator and freezer compartments) on by
pressing this button. The red LED indicates that the
product is switched off, while the green LED shows that it
is operating. To switch the product off, press and hold the
ON/OFF button for at least two seconds.
I Care This is used to activate and deactivate the I Care
function (the optimal temperature for energy saving
levels). When activated, the AUTO LED and the I Care
LED illuminate simultaneously.
ALARMS - this controls all the alarm signals connected
to product operation.
Child Lock - enables the buttons on the control panel to
be locked in order to avoid various functions being
activated accidentally by children. To enable the Child
Lock function, ALARMS button must be pressed for 2
REFRIGERATOR Temperature Adjustment - enable
the temperature setting of the refrigerator to be modified,
with the relative confirmation of the temperature selected
shown on the display. It is also possible to use these
buttons to deactivate the refrigerator compartment only
(the display shows "--").
FREEZER Temperature Adjustment - enable the
temperature setting of the freezer to be modified, with the
relative confirmation of the temperature selected shown
on the display.
SUPER COOL - activates or deactivates the SUPER
COOL function (rapid cooling). The refrigerator display
shows the text "SC".
SUPER FREEZE - activates or deactivates the SUPER
FREEZE function (rapid freezing). The rfreezer display
shows the text "SF".
HOLIDAY - activates or deactivates the HOLIDAY
function (the AUTO LED illuminates).
ICE PARTY - activates or deactivates the ICE PARTY
function (It reduces the temperature of the freezer for the
period of time required to cool a bottle.).
Child Lock
No used
I Care
Navigating the display
If the product is switched on, the refrigerator and freezer
displays will indicate the temperatures set at that
moment. To change them, simply press the buttons
corresponding to the compartment for which you wish to
change the set temperature. To be specific, each time
one of the buttons is pressed the temperature is
increased or decreased by 1°, and the number of
illuminated horizontal bars is adjusted accordingly. The
temperature values that may be selected for the
refrigerator compartment are +8°C, +7°C, +6°C,
+5°C,+4°C, +3°C and +2°C, while the values that may be
set for the freezer are -18°C, -19°C, -120°C, -21°C, -
22°C, -24°C and -26°C. I
When the I CARE function is active, the appliance
automatically adjusts the temperatures according to the
conditions inside and outside the refrigerator; the
operation of this function is signaled by the text "AUTO".
Whenever it is necessary to activate the I CARE function
at temperatures that are different to the standard storage
values, the I CARE button must be pressed as soon as
the function is activated and held down while the new
temperatures are set. Under these conditions, the
temperatures may be set to 4°C, 5°Cand 6°C for the
refrigerator compartment and -18°C, -19°C and -20°C for
the freezer compartment.
When the HOLIDAY function is active the temperature
may not be adjusted, however the appliance adjusts
itself automatically so that the optimal settings for the
situation are used: +12°C for the refrigerator
compartment and -18°C. for the freezer compartment.
This function is indicated by the text "AUTO".
To activate and deactivate the functions simply press the
relevant button and the function status will be signaled by
the corresponding LED switching on or off.
Several functions (SUPER COOL, SUPER FREEZE,
ICE PARTY , I Care) are incompatible with others(
HOLIDAY); remember that there is a pre-set order of
priority which will help you to use the product in the best
possible way.
When the ICE Party function has finished, press the ICE
Party button to stop the relevant LED from flashing. This
flashing indicates that the function is complete and that
the bottle should be removed from the freezer
Child Lock to enable the Child Lock function, the
ALARM button must be pressed for 2 seconds.


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