Special Functions; Dac ® - Motor Actuator Monitoring - WEST 8800 Operating Manual

Process controller
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Special functions

Special functions
7.1 DAC
– motor actuator monitoring
(Digital Actor Control DAC
With all controllers with position feedback Yp, the motor actuator can be
monitored for functional troubles. The DAC
the parameter C. F nc = 5 or 6 at the configuration level ( ConF):
w ConF / Cntr / C. F nc = 5
w ConF / Cntr / C. F nc = 6
If an error occurs, the controller switches to manual operation (ò - LED blinks)
and no impulses are given out any longer. If one of the relays switches when a
error occurs, parameter dAC. A = 1 and inverse action O. A ct = 1 must
be selected for the relevant output OUT. 1 ... OUT. 4 in the ConF menu
( OUt. 3 and 4 only possible if O. t YP = 0 [relay/logic]):
w ConF / OUt. x / dAc. A = 1
The system detects the following stepping controller errors:
w defective motor
w defective capacitor (wrong rotating direction)
w wrong phase followers (wrong rotating direction)
w defective force transmission at spindle or drive
w excessive backlash due to wear
w jamming of the control valve e.g. due to foreign body
In these cases the controller will change to manual operation and the outputs will
be switched off. Is the controller switched to automatic operation again or any
modification is done the controller activates the DAC function again and the
outputs will be setted.
Resetting of a DAC error:
After solving the technical problem the DAC errror can be acknowledged in the
error list. Thereafter the controller works again in normal operation mode.
See also chapter 3.4 "Mainenance manager / Error list", page 12 ff.
– motor actuator monitoring
function can be started by chosing
3-point-stepping controller with
position feedback Yp as potentiometer
Continuous controller with integrated
positioner and position feedback Yp as
Motor actuator monitoring (DAC) aktive
8800 process controller


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