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Cuisinart CBM-20 Manual page 8


Gold Tone Filters
1. Slide the grind chamber lid into grind outlet.
2. Place gold tone filter (c) into position
under the grind outlet and proceed
with grinding.
NOTE: For basket style filters you can pull
down the shelf and rest filter on top for
easy grinding.
1. Flip shelf down.
2. Slide filter cup onto shelf (d), lining up
the top of the filter cup with the grinder spout,
and guiding the bottom into the shelf's
grooved opening.
TIP: Select either 1 or 2 cups on your grinder.
Selecting a larger number may cause the filter
cup to overflow. The recommended grind setting for
auto drip coffee makers is 7-12, depending on
preference of coarseness.
NOTE: When using a single-serve filter-cup
other than a Cuisinart HomeBarista
may need to hold the filter cup under the grinder spout to fill.
Reusable Filter Cup
Reusable Filter Cup, you

