Table of Contents


LM 4 0 , L M 5 0
LC 7 0, LC 75,
So me in st a ll a ti o n ad v i c e g iv en i n th is instruc ti on
ma n ua l w ou l d, i f f o l l o w ed , result i n an i nstal lati on that
ma y n ot me e t U K b ui l d i n g reg ul atio ns. A sup p l ementar y
in st ruc t io n man ua l i s p ro v i ded to gi ve co rr ec t ad v ic e
fo r i n st al l a ti o ns and use w i th i n the UK.
Edition 10-2015
Seite 1


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for LOHBERGER Varioline LM 40

  • Page 1 VARI O LI N E LI G N A TH E R M M O NO LM 4 0 , L M 5 0 C O MBI LC 7 0, LC 75, U S E R M ANUAL WITH I NSTAL L ATIO N I NS T RUC T I O NS So me in st a ll a ti o n ad v i c e g iv en i n th is instruc ti on ma n ua l w ou l d, i f f o l l o w ed , result i n an i nstal lati on that ma y n ot me e t U K b ui l d i n g reg ul atio ns.
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    The LOHBERGER warranty ............ 23 FOREWORD You have chosen with the solid fuel stove line VARIOILINE a quality product from Lohberger. In addition to the elegant and timeless design, we focus on an advanced combustion technology, high quality materials as well as a perfect finish.
  • Page 3: Important Information

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION • Heat with low output during the first 2-3 days. This dries Before installaing and starting up the appliance you have to through the stove refractory slowly and lasts much longer! read this documentation carefully. When heating during the initial days it is possible for the Nonobservance may lead to a loss of warranty! refractory lining to crack.
  • Page 4: Installation Work

    INSTALLATION WORK Before lifting the stove from the transport pallet, carry out the Transport locks following operations: 1. Remove fuel drawer 2. Remove transport locks 3. If available, attach transport belts in the 4 mounting facili- ties in the base area. Transport and appliance installation: Ö...
  • Page 5: Appliance Description

    Substructure with fuel drawer The LOHBERGER fuel drawer is famous for its stability – the new feature is that it has become even more spacious since it now fully utilises the space of the stove base as well.
  • Page 6 CLASSIC COMBI Stove bar support Stove bar Cooking plate roasting oven Stove frame Cooking plate fire chamber Sidewall Slide: grate shaker Heating door handle Heating door glass (special version) Heating door complete Turning knob for secondary Ash door complete Turning knob for primary air Base panel Fuel drawer panel Cleaning door complete...
  • Page 7 Slide: grate shaker SALZBURG Stove bar complete SALZBURG Heating door handle SALZBURG Base panel front SALZBURG Fuel drawer handle SALZBURG Roasting oven handle SALZBURG Schild LOHBERGER Fuel drawer SALZBURG Slide: heating damper SALZBURG Cast base SALZBURG Sidewall SALZBURG Seite 7...
  • Page 8: Preparing The Installation Place

    PREPARING THE INSTALLATION PLACE When installing the stove, observe the regulations and provi- • With a combustible fl oor (wood, plastic, wall to wall car- sions of the building authorities and fi re police applicable at pet,...) a fl oor plate made of steel, copper or another non- the place of installation.
  • Page 9: Adjusting Possibilities

    ADJUSTING POSSIBILITIES Appliance height Stove frame (only CLASSIC) The 4 levelling feet allow offsetting irregularities in the fl oor With CLASSIC the store frame is mounted adjustably on the and adjustment to other appliances or kitchen attachments. appliance. This means that you can install the appliance in a To do so, screw out the 4 adjusting screws using the supplied built-in kitchen with the stove frame fl ush with the working universal wrench.
  • Page 10: Flue Gas Connection

    FLUE GAS CONNECTION Trouble free and economical operation is guaranteed if all fac- Schematic diagram fl ue gas connection tors required for sound combustion are present:  Correct chimney condi- tion: good heat insulation, The chimney smooth inner surface, tight. •...
  • Page 11: Central Heating Insert (Optional Equipment)

    CENTRAL HEATING INSERT (OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT) The stoves type LM 50, LC 75B und LC 80, that means appli- preparing water for domestic use! The safety devices must ances with combustion room capacity F2, can be equipped still be accessible after the installation. The drain/outlet must with a central heating element (type designation -Z).
  • Page 12: Return Flow Increase As Protection Against Corrosion

    These diagrams are to be understood purely as examples and thus are no substitute for an exact planning which takes customer-side requirements or hydraulic and safety specifi cation devices into account. CONNECTION WITH LOHBERGER VALVE CABINET AME .4 (optional equipment):...
  • Page 13: Stove Operation

    The air entering the fire chamber from below through the grate is responsible for the output since it generates the basic heat To facilitate initial heating, all LOHBERGER stoves are equipped resulting in “wood gasification”. Rule of thumb: lots of air with a heating damper.
  • Page 14: Fuels

    FUELS Suitable fuels WOOD BRIQUETTES The water content of wood briquettes is very low, combustion WOOD is very rapid. Sustainable, local energy medium. During photosynthesis, wa- Calorific value of wood briquettes: ~4.4 kWh/ kg ter, soil minerals and carbon dioxide (CO2) are converted into wood with the help of solar energy.
  • Page 15: Heating

    Heating Summer /Winter use When only embers are present on the grate, place new fuel (Only for stoves with central heating insert) evenly distributed on the entire grate. To do so, evenly level The heat output delivered to the hot water system will be re- the bed of embers on the grate and new fuel can be added duced, however, it will not be stopped completely! thereafter.
  • Page 16: Maintenance And Care

    MAINTENANCE AND CARE Regular maintenance and care or cleaning of the stove, the heating gas draughts and the connection piece as well as the chimney are particularly important for the operational safety, Cleaning door panel economy and value retention of the stove. Side door Sealing cord Thorough cleaning should be performed after each heating...
  • Page 17: Roasting Oven Side Grill

    Ö Fully open the baking ASSEMBLY oven door slowly. During assembly the bevelled edge of the reinstalled viewing window pane must be on the side of the fixed pane. The bev- Ö Again fold back the clips elled edge indicates the side with a special IR coating which on the door hinges.
  • Page 18: Stoves With Glass Ceramic Cooking Surfaces

    Stoves with glass ceramic cooking surfaces If anything has burnt-in on the cooking surface by mistake, this must be removed immediately (while hot) with the razor blade scraper to avoid surface damage. WHAT IS CERAN® ? • Damage through sugar or food containing sugar can be pre- Glass ceramic cooking surfaces by SCHOTT of Mainz are ex- vented in anticipation by cleaning your glass ceramic cook- tremely temperature resistant and withstand even abrupt tem-...
  • Page 19: Combustion

    COMBUSTION JETIFIRE • longer fuel adding intervals • more efficient fuel utilisation JETIFIRE is the only system without blower and elaborate con- trol electronics to offer a genuine output-dependent second- • reduced heating costs ary air supply. With a large fire, lots of flue gas will flow With low output exactly the opposite takes place;...
  • Page 20: Service And Ordering Spare Parts

    SERVICE AND ORDERING SPARE PARTS Austria (Head office) 1. Your correct address 2. Your telephone and fax numbers and Email address as ap- LOHBERGER Heiz u. Kochgeräte Technologie GmbH plicable Landstraße 19 3. The exact description of the appliance (see nameplate) 5231 Schalchen 4.
  • Page 21: Technical Data

    TECHNICAL DATA LM 40 LM 50 LC 70 LC 75 A LC 75 B LC 80 F1+N1 F2+N2 F1+B1 F1+B2 F2+B1 F2+B2 Filling door opening width x height 135 x 245 185 x 245 135 x 245 135 x 245 185 x 245 185 x 245 Filling space...
  • Page 22: Appliance Dimensions (In Cm)

    APPLIANCE DIMENSIONS (in cm) CLASSIC MONO CLASSIC COMBI 18 - 15 *** 13,5 18 - 15 *** 6 - 3 *** 6 - 3 *** 68 ** 68 ** 68 ** 68 ** 14 ** 14 ** 5 - 6,5 5 - 6,5 13,5 16,5...
  • Page 23: The Lohberger Warranty

    Exceptions are only parts subject to wear such as fireclay, which is normal for an appliance used for heating. LOHBERGER accepts all costs for the duration of the war- ranty. Should we decide that your appliance is best repaired Possibly occurring changes in colour or expansion cracks in...
  • Page 24 Heiz u. Kochgeräte Technologie GmbH Landstraße 19 5231 Schalchen, Österreich Tel.: +43(0)7742/5211-110 Fax: +43(0)7742/5211-109 Web: Seite 24 E-Mail: offi

Table of Contents