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-Hot's boiler tank and associated components prematurely.
Keep in mind that using high-quality water is only necessary
for mixing concentrated propylene glycol antifreeze with wa-
ter. Suppliers of premixed antifreeze are responsible to use
distilled, de-ionized, or soft water when preparing their anti-
freeze, s consumer shouldn't have to worry about it.
Mixture Ratios:
Technical Information:
Propylene glycol based (PPG) antifreeze has three major
functions including freeze, boiling, and rust/anti-corrosive
protection. PPG antifreeze solution is also primarily respon-
sible for heat transfer; however, propylene glycol itself does
not have acceptable heat transfer characteristics. Therefore,
water is added to the mixture because it is an excellent heat
conductor. PPG antifreeze solution, mixed with water that is
30-50% propylene glycol is recommended to provide the
best performance combination. If the antifreeze and water
heating solution contains over 70% propylene glycol, the
freezing point is actually increased, resulting in less freeze
protection. A perfect 50/50 mixture of water to propylene
glycol, "GRAS" by the FDA antifreeze is recommended, which
will result in a freeze point of –28°F and a boiling point of
approximately 222°F. Please reference the
graphical representation regarding the percentage of anti-
freeze to water and how it directly affects the solution's
freezing point.
Freeze and Burst Point:
Antifreeze solution lowers the freezing point of any liquid
to which it has been added by preventing the formation of
crystals. However, as ambient temperature continues to
decline, the water in the solution will attempt to attain a
solid state. The point at which the water begins to solidify is
called the "freeze point". Although the water solution has
begun to freeze, producing a "slushy" consistency, the anti-
freeze in the solution will continue to combat normal expan-
sion of the solution as it freezes. The point in which the so-
lution can begin to expand, due to colder temperatures, is
called the "burst point". Once the solution reaches the burst
point, the potential is present for ruptured pipes and other
components. The burst point of the antifreeze and the wa-
ter heating solution is dependent upon the brand of propyl-
ene glycol antifreeze employed.
Boiling Point:
The Aqua-Hot utilizes the propylene glycol based (PPG)
antifreeze and water heating solution as a transportation
means for the heat produced from the internal processes.
The PPG antifreeze solution absorbs the heat created until
its boiling point is reached. At this point, the liquid turns to
gas and is expelled to prevent the heating system from
overheating. Each time the boiling point is reached, a loss
of efficiency occurs because the heat produced is expelled
rather that utilized for the function of the heating system.
Therefore, a higher boiling point is desired in order to com-
bat the loss of efficiency, which allows the antifreeze to
transport the heat created from the
internal process throughout the motor
home where it can be utilized produc-
tively rather than dissipating due to its
change from a liquid to a gas.
Rust and Anti-Corrosive Inhibitors:
Another major function of antifreeze
solution is to provide protection to the
internal metal components of the Aqua
-Hot hydronic heating system for corro-
sion and rust. Antifreeze is able to pre-
form this function by the addition of
rust and anti-corrosive inhibitors,
which are designed specifically to acti-
vate in a water solution.
600-D Use & Care Guide
© Aqua-Hot®
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