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S9 Antennas S9v 31’ Mk II Installation Manual page 23


b. If you are using the S9v as a multi-band vertical, position the 4:1 unun
(or remote antenna tuner) at the base of the S9v and connect the S9v
vertical element wire ring terminal connector to the unun stud marked
Vertical (or to the remote antenna tuner connector marked Antenna).
Next, solder two ring terminal connectors to a short piece of radial wire or
copper braid and connect the unun Radials stud (or remote antenna tuner
Ground connector) to the nearest hole on the radial plate.
connect your coax feed line PL-259 male connector to the 4:1 unun (or
remote antenna tuner) SO-239 female connector.
c. You can use electrical tape or zip ties to secure the vertical element wire
below the base tube exit hole. If there is any slack in the vertical element
wire, it should to be left ABOVE the electrical tape or ties. This way, there
will be some slack wire available to move with the fiberglass sections in the
event of very strong wind.
d. COMPLETELY weatherproof the vertical element wire connection and all
coax feed line and unun connections using the sealant of your choice such
as coax seal, silicon RTV, etc.
NOTE: It is not necessary to weatherproof the ring terminal
connections on the radial plate.
S9v 31' M K II Installation Guide
Leave wire slack
above tape or



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