Lubrication Of Engine; Lubrication Of Machine - Ransomes MINOR MK. 7 Instructions For The Operation And Maintenance

Motor lawn mowers
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All lubrica on to the engine is provided by mixing the lubrica ng oil with the petrol, and this
is taken in through the carbure or to the crank case, from which the main bearings, piston
and cylinder walls are all automa cally lubricated. The mixture we advise as most suitable is
20 parts of petrol to 1 part of the best oil suitable for air-cooled engines, i.e., 1 measure of
oil to I pint of petrol. With a new engine the ra o should be increased to approx. 16 to 1 for
the first 25 working hours, i.e., approx. 11 measures to 1 pint.
It is important that oil and petrol in the correct propor ons should be mixed in a separate
container or petrol can before pouring into the fuel tank. Just sufficient fuel for immediate
use should be mixed, as stale mixture is liable to make it difficult to start the engine.


(Illustra ons pages 7, 8, 9).
Parts to be oiled each me the machine is used.
1. Clutch sha bearing through nipple (A).
2. Land roll spindle bearings through nipples (B) in housings.
3. Land rolls, through nipples (C) which will be found through surface of each roll.
4. Cu ng cylinder bearings through nipples (D).
5. Land roll clutch through nipple (G) in outer plate. Remove the chain cover to expose
this nipple.
6. Star ng free wheel. A LITTLE oil through the nipple in flywheel.
7. Kickstart Spindles.
8. Wood Rolls can be oiled between the rolls and at each end.
All other oiling points such as chains and kickstart bearings should be oiled weekly.


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