Anti-flooding device
LThe cover installed on the
pressure relief valve makes it
possible to collect any water
which may leak from the boiler
due a malfunction and channel
it to the drain pad, by means of
a special hose.
Valve group
LThe valves are device whose purpose is to ensure
the safety and proper operation of the machine.e valvole
sono dispositivi atti a garantire la sicurezza e il corretto
funzionamento della macchina.
Valvola antidepressione
LaThe purpose of the negative pressure valve
is to prevent the backflow of liquids through
the steam nozzle when they are being heated.
Furthermore, the excess air is eliminated inside the boiler
during the heating phase of the machine.
Safety or pressure relief valve
The purpose relief valve guarantees that
the pressure in the boiler does not go above 2
bar. In case of failure of the boiler's monitoring
system, the valve can eliminate all the excess
pressure from the boiler.
Expansion-non return valve
This is a valve consisting of an expansion
valve and a non-return valve.
• espansion valve: the cold water sent
from the pump to the heat exchargers is
heated. This heating causes an increase
in the volume of water. To limit pressure
increases in the hydraulic circuit, the val-
ve limits the maximum internal pressure
of the circuit to 12 bar.
• non-return valve: its function is that of
preventing the back flow of water from
the exchargers in the hydraulic circuit.
BY - PASS valve
It's a valve used in the versions with vibration pump.
It makes it possible to reduce the pressure of water
from the vibration pump.
The valves must be checked on a regular basis as
described in the chapter "Controls and maintenance".