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Upland 207P Installation And Operation Manual page 16


operation the trapdoor is held open by an electro-
magnet.) The sensor should then indicate OK. Once
confirmed, allow the trapdoor to close.
With all of the wiring and sensors checked out, you
are ready to start a fire. Press the MENU button until
you see the following screen.
Answer YES and the controller will print step by
step instructions for lighting a fire.
Double check that there are no foreign objects in the
hopper. Pour about 1/4 bag into the hopper.
Allow the auger to start to feed pellets into the burn pot.
Then pour several cups of pellets in the burnpot so
that pellets fill it to the brim. Adjust the nozzle to point
downwand and centered over the burn pot.
Add a small amount of gel lighter (preferred) or
other approved pellet igniter. Do not overdo it - add
about on table spoon maximum.
Lift lever to open.
(Located on back of hopper)
If you have any problems at
this point contact us.



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