XPLORE TECHNOLOGIES XC6 User Handbook Manual page 84

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Appendix C. Glossary
Compatibility. 1.The ability of one computer to accept and process
data in the same method as another computer without modifying the
data or the media upon which it is being transferred. 2.The ability of
one device to connect or communicate with another system or
Configuration. The specific combination of hardware components of
the computer, and their operating status. The configuration of your
computer includes predefined memory, type and speed of
microprocessor, type of and size of hard disk drive, etc.
Default. The preset parameter value automatically selected by the
computer when you or a program do not provide instructions.
Device driver. A program that controls communication between a
specific peripheral device (such as a printer or the pen/stylus) and the
Disk drive. The physical device that enables the computer to read
from, and write to, a disk.
Display. An image-producing device used to view computer output.
Double-click. To press and release the pen/stylus twice within a time
frame you define, without moving the pointer off the choice.
Hardware. The physical electronic and mechanical components of a
computer system. typically, the computer itself, CPU, memory, etc.
Hertz. A unit of wave frequency that equals one cycle per second.
Interface. 1. Hardware and/or software components used specifically
to connect one computer or device to another. 2. To physically
connect one system or device to another to exchange information. 3.
The point of contact between user, the computer, and the program (for
example, the pen/stylus or a menu).
JBOD. Two drives that appear in Window as two drives, Drive C and
Drive D.
XC6 User's Handbook


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