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Kenmore 141.1664 Owner's Manual
Kenmore 141.1664 Owner's Manual

Kenmore 141.1664 Owner's Manual

Liquid propane gas grill natural gas grill


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Owner's Manual
Liquid Propane Gas Grill
Model 141.166400
Natural Gas Grill
Modem 141.176400
//.vXk VVARNmNG:
Read this Owner's Manual carefully and be sure your
gas grill is properly assembled, installed and main-
tained. Failure to follow these instructions could
result in serious bodily injury and/or property dam-
age. This gas grill is intended for outdoor use only
and is not intended to be installed in or on
recreational vehicles or boats.
Note to Installer:
Leave this Owner's Manual with the consumer
after delivery and/or installation.
Note to Consumer:
Leave this Owner's Manual in a convenient place
for future reference.
if there are damaged or missing parts when you
unpack this unit from the shipping box, or you have
questions about assembly, call us 8am - 8pm CST,
Friday at:
and Co.,
RL 60179
P4799C- Rev: 11/2%2001


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Summary of Contents for Kenmore 141.1664

  • Page 1 Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious bodily injury and/or property dam- age. This gas grill is intended for outdoor use only and is not intended to be installed in or on recreational vehicles or boats.
  • Page 2 Equipment) and all local codes. Correct Gritl Parts LP gas grill models are designed for use with a standard 20 lb. Liquid Propane Gas (LP gas) tank, not included with grill box. Never connect your gas grill to an LP gas tank that exceeds this capacity.
  • Page 3 Do not store (or use) gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this gas grill. An LP gas tank that is not connected for use must not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other gas grill.
  • Page 4 Check to ensure the orifice is inside of the burner tube before using your gas grill. See Fig. 2. If the burner tube does not fit over the valve orifice, lighting the burner may...
  • Page 5 The following tableillustrates a breakdown o f the hardware highlights what components a re used in the variousstagesof assembly. Ref. Component H005 1/4"xl/2"PhillipsHeadScrew H008 1/4"Nut H001 3/8" WheelBolt H002 SpringWasher H003 3/8" Nut H005 1/4"xl/2"PhillipsHeadScrew H008 1/4"Nut H005 1/4"xl/2"PhillipsHeadScrew H008 1/4"Nut H005 1,"4"xl/'2"...
  • Page 6 Actual Size and 3/8" Wheel Bolt Qty. 2 Ref. # H001 1/4"x3/4" Phillips 1/4"xl/2" Phillips Head Screw Head Screw Qty. 8 Qty. 26 (4 for LPG) Ref. # H004 Ref. # H005 Door Handle Part # P0239A Qty. 2 Scale M8x1.25 Qty.
  • Page 7 Remove all components from the packing carton and place within easy reach. Do not throw the shipping carton away; instead use it as an elevated assembly surface. LPG = Liquid Propane Gas = Natural Gas 50 / 55 j 21 44 (LPG only) 52 ...
  • Page 8 P1137B 1-800-366-PART P1042A To make sure you obtain the correct replacement P0932A parts for your Kenmore Elite gas grill, please refer P0832A to the part numbers on this page. The following P8078E information is required to assure you receive the...
  • Page 9 Remove all cart parts, hardware, and grill head from carton. Assemble the gas grill on a protective work surface, such as the shipping box, to avoid scratching surfaces. Refer to parts list and hard- ware pack illustrations to help assemble your grill.
  • Page 10 Assembling 1"he Cabinet Doors 1. Install Door Stops to Bottom Shelf and Top Panel of Cabinet. See Fig. 4. Secure firmly using 4 of the 1/4"xl/2" Phillips head screws and nuts. 2. if you haven't already done so, remove the white protective film from the stainless steel Doors.
  • Page 11 Assernb{ingThe LP Gas Tank Hook Attachthe Pressure Cylinder H olderandTank Guideto the CartLegs-Wheel Sideof grill as shownin Fig.6. Alignthe tappedholesof both partswith the holeson SidePanel.Securefirmly using4 of the 1/4"xl/2"Phillipsheadscrewsand nutsprovided. AssemblingThe Grilm Pulled-outSpiceTray 1. install 2 of the 1/4"xl/2"Phillips headscrews to the rearof the Track.Withoutthesescrews the Pulled-out SpiceTraywill not stop properly.
  • Page 12 Installing Side Burner and Side 1. Remove and discard the protective rubber boots from the Side Shelf and Side Burner braces. 2. Enlisting the aid of an assistant, attach Side Burner to tank side of grill. Remove the fasten- ing strip from burner. Attach Side Shelf to side opposite tank as shown in Fig.
  • Page 13 1/2 psi (3.5kpa). Turn off your gas grill when the gas supply is being tested at low pressures. The grill must be isolated from the gas supply pipe system by...
  • Page 14 ignitor Battery Installation- See Fig. 12 Unscrew the IgnitorCaplocatedon the grin Control P anelandremovethe Contact a nd Springfromthe ignitorSlot. Placethe manufacturer supplied AA battery into the ignitorSlot. Be sure to placethe positive polefacingtowardyou. Place the Spring over the AA battery, then place the Contact on top of the Spring.
  • Page 15 CAUTION: When the appliance gas must be turned off at the supply tank. Your Kenmore to light use. Before the first use and at the beginning of each season (and whenever tank has been changed): 1.
  • Page 16 Adjust control knobs to your desired cooking temperature. Lighting To light your gas grill by match, follow steps 1 through 6 of the Basic Lighting Procedures. Then, insert a lit match through the lighting hole on either side of the grill.
  • Page 17 , Shut off gas supply to the gas grill. , Turn the control knobs to OFF position. , Put out any flame with a fire extinguisher. , Open grill Hd. , Once the grill has cooled down, dean...
  • Page 18 Aswithallappliances, proper careandmaintenance willkeepyourgrill i ntopoperating c ondition a nd prolong itslife.Byfollowing t hesecleaning p rocedures ona timelybasis, y ourgrillwillstayclean andwork properlywith m inimum effort. CAUTION: BesureyourgrillisOFFandcool b efore cleaning. Takecarenottochiporscratch thepainted surfaces because itwillvoidyourwarranty a gainst r usting. Cleaning The Cooking Grids Before initial use and periodically we suggest you wash...
  • Page 19 Check to ensure the orifice is inside of the burner tube before using your gas grill. See Fig. 2. If the burner tube does not fit over the valve orifice, lighting the burner may cause explosion and/or fire.
  • Page 20 Kenmore gas grill from the weather? Answer: A good quality grill cover should be used to protect your gdJJ when not in use. Kenmore Grill Cover # 15811 is made to fit this particular grill model. Also, follow the cleaning and maintenance instructions in this Owner's Manual on a timely basis, and your new grill will give you years of enjoyment.
  • Page 21 CONGRATULATIONS Your Kenmore Elite gas grill is now ready to gritl. Remember to keep the lid open when cooking directly on the grill. For most foods it's best to start grilling on high.
  • Page 22 GritlingSteakand Ribs Turnthegrillburners onhigh,close thelid andpreheat yourgrill3 to5 minutes. Openlid andplace themeat o nthecooking grid directly above thelitburners. Cook themeat onbothsidesuntilseared. R educe theheat tomedium andcookmeatuntil d one.Grilling times willvaryaccording t omeatthickness. GritlingHamburger a ndSausages Turnthegrillburners onhigh,closelidand preheat yourgrill3 to5 minutes. Openlidand place themeat o nthecooking griddirectly above thelitburners.
  • Page 23 WholeFishandWholeFillets Preheat yourgrill o nHiGH for2=3 minutes withtheliddown.Raise lidandturnburners tomedium heat.Place fish(skindown) o n grillandcookoverdirect h eatuntil d one. Usecooking timeas aguideor until f ishis opaque butstillmoist. SmallerFishFimlets andCubes Follow thedirections f romabove, u sing approximate cooking times shown atright. Place asmall p ieceofaluminum foilonthe cooking gridsif thefishpieces aresmall enough todropbetween t hecooking grids.
  • Page 24: Food Preparation

    AnimportantNoteAboutHeatSettings Thesuggested h eat s ettings s hown areapproximate. There aremany factors suchasoutside temperature, windconditions andgrilllocation thataffect y ourgrill performance. Weofferthesecooking times asa convenience, butsuggest youwatch thegrill t hermom- eterandadjust t heheat a ccordingly. Preparing to Roast Roasting u ses theindirectcooking method. Therefore, thefoodshould beplaced ontheleftorright s ide ofyour grill w iththeburner l itontheopposite s ide.
  • Page 25 STIR-FRYING TECHNIQUES Thismethod ofcooking ispopular a round theworld and canbeeasily accomplished outdoors o nyourKenmore Elitegasgrill.It'saquickandhealthful wayofprepar- inga complete m eal u sing meat, p oultry orseafood in infinite combinations withotherinteresting i ngredients likevegetables, riceornoodles. Preparing to Stir-fry Although it is possible to stir fry in other dishes, the wok is your best tool.
  • Page 26 ROTISSERIE TECHNIQUES Rotisserie c ooking produces f oods thataremoist, flavorful andattractive. Although t herotisserie i smost commonly u sedforcooking meat o rpoultry, n early anything canbeused ifprepared p roperly. Balancing the Food inrotisserie c ooking, balancing t hefoodisofutmost importance. Therotisserie m ust t urnevenly orthe stopping andstarting action willcause thefoodtocook unevenly a ndpossibly b urntheheavier side.
  • Page 27 ONION BURGERS A honey and mustard sauce glazes the onion slices as they cook alongside these delicious burgers. For optimal sweetness, select Vidalia or Walla Walla onions. Makes 4 open face burgers. ingredients large sweet onions, sliced (12 to 16 ounces) tablespoons margarine or melted butter teaspoons dry mustard teaspoons honey...
  • Page 28 RiB EYESTEAKSWiTHGRILLEDGARLIC Astheycook, t hegarliccloves mellow inflavor, making a delicious s auce foranygrilledmeat. A ndfor anappetizer, spread thesoftened c loves overtoasted slicesoffrenchbread!Makes4 servings. ingredients wholehead ofgarlic tablespoons olive oilorcooking oil tablespoon s nipped freshbasil, o r 1/2 teaspoon driedbasil, c rushed tablespoon s nipped freshrosemary o r 1/2 teaspoon driedrosemary, crushed twelve-oz, boneless r ibeyesteaks...
  • Page 29 MARINATED T UNA STEAK Experiment withunique dishes, l ikethistunasteak recipe boasting a delicious w inemarinade! Makes 4 servings. ingredients 6-ounce freshorfrozentunasteaks cut1 inch thick.Thawfishiffrozen cupdrywhitewine tablespoon l emon j uice tablespoon o liveoilor cooking oil clovegarlic, m inced teaspoons s nipped freshrosemary, crushed, or1/2teaspoon driedrosemary, crushed teaspoon snipped freshoregano, crushed, or 1/4teaspoon driedoregano, crushed...
  • Page 30 SOUTHWEST C HCKENBREASTS Thispopular r ecipe canalsobea grilled chicken salad! S licechicken intosmall s trips andplace them ontopofshredded l ettuce withavocado dressing a nd topwithcheese! M akes6servings. ingredients cupdrywhitewine tablespoons oliveoilorcooking oil teaspoons snipped fresh tarragon or 1/4 teaspoon d ried tarragon, crushed teaspoon s alt skinless, boneless c hicken breast h alves avocados, pitted, p eeled andchopped...
  • Page 31 TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY TURKEY imagine everyone's surprise when youserve your next h oliday t urkey--complete withdressing--delicious andtender s traight f romthegrill! Serves8 Ingredients for Turkey 8-10 pound whole turkey ounces butter, softened tablespoons chopped thyme tablespoons lemon juice teaspoons grated lemon rind Ingredients for Dressing ounces butter...
  • Page 32 FRESH VEGETABLE STR-FRY Takea triptotheOrient w iththis easy, and healthy vegetable recipe. Makes 4 - 6 servings. Ingredients tablespoons oil onion, cut into wedges carrot, thinly sliced cups broccoli, cut into small flowerets red pepper, sliced sticks celery, thinly sliced cup snow peas cup chicken broth Preparation...
  • Page 33 me or oursT For repair of major brand appliances in your own home... _r_ Paler woo made iL no matter w_o sold it! 1-800-4- MY- HO M E_M A°_ _,_,_ o =_ __:_ 41-800-469_663) S_O_$S.COm To bring m products such as vacuums own equ_pmen_ and e_ec[ron_cs tot repair...

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