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Trouble Shooting - DAGU MR. Tidy User Manual

Mr. tidy robotics


Troubleshooting: If the robot fails to operate correctly then please check the list below. In many cases it
may be necessary to use a 12DC (500mA or better) power supply plugged into the recharge socket. You may
also need to install the diagnostic software which is supplied or can be downloaded from our website at:
Note: the robot should not be operated in strong sunlight as this can reduce the sensitivity of the IR sensors.
Problem - the power switch is on but the robot does not appear to work.
Solution - check the battery connection. Connect 12V DC supply (rated for at least 500mA) to the charging
socket on the robot and press the reset button. With the sample software supplied the robot should play a
melody before it starts moving. If you are using your own program then load the diagnostic program and
retest the PCB with the 12V DC still connected to the charging socket.
Problem - the robot does not move or moves very slowly.
Solution - check that the wheels turn freely when the power is off. Each drive shaft has two couplings.
These may need adjusting to ensure the shafts are straight.
Problem - one or more of the encoders does not work.
Solution - Check the encoder cables are plugged in correctly and that the screws near the encoder are tight.
With the gripper and arm encoders, check that the encoder disk is as close as possible to the encoder PCB.
Load the diagnostic program and connect 12V DC to the recharging socket. Check the encoder with the
diagnostic software and adjust the position of the encoder disk if necessary.
Problem - the robot has trouble detecting objects or aligning the gripper.
Solution - the robot requires the front sensors to be re-aligned. Load the diagnostic program and gently
adjust the position of each photo- transistor so that when there are no objects within range all sensors give
the same readings (approximately 50).
Problem - one of the collision avoidance sensors does not work.
Solution - the sensor requires re-alignment. Using either the sample software or diagnostic program the blue
LED nearest the sensor will stay lit while an object is being detected. The IR LED and phototransistor should
be parallel to each other but not touching. Gently adjust their positions until the sensor only detects an object
when you place your hand within approximately 40mm of the sensor.
Problem - the robot attempts to pick up an object but releases it again.
Solution - was the object too small? Check the limit switch is connected and working properly. If the cam
driving the gripper goes past a certain point then open and close are reversed. Turn off the power and try
turning the cam by hand 180 degrees. If you are writing your own code then try reversing the motor
directions for open and close.

