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Training Your Pet - Pet Stop RoomWizard Owner's Manual

Roomwizard indoor system


Training Your Pet

Training your Pet
Your Pet Stop dealer will introduce your dog to his new indoor boundaries by using training steps
similar to those used in outdoor system training. Your dealer will first place training flags in an
area or room that is now off-limits to your dog. For example, if your dog is no longer allowed in
the dining room, flags will be placed at the doorway(s) to deter your dog from entering that room.
If your dog is not allowed up a stairway, flags will be placed at the bottom of the stairs. If your dog
is already trained using the outdoor system, he will quickly recognize and avoid the flags, and not
enter the room.
Your Pet Stop dealer will begin training by placing the receiver collar on your dog. Depending on
your dog's personality your dealer will begin training using the audible tone or a mild correction.
When your dog respects his new indoor boundaries, usually after a a few days to a week, you can
remove the training flags.
If you find you need to add another room or area as off-limits to your pet, be sure to follow the
training steps recommended by your Pet stop dealer. Be sure to contact your dealer if you have
questions about indoor training.
Your Pet's Personality
Your pet's reaction to the training session varies depending on personality and breed.
1. Some pets have a great and immediate respect for the boundary, especially if your dog is already
trained to the outdoor system.
2. On the other hand, some pets may show little or no reaction when experiencing the correction. If
this should occur, check the following:
a. Are the contact probes making contact with the dog's skin?
Make sure the collar is tight enough around the dog's neck.
b. Is your pet's coat trimmed back to one-half inch in the area where the receiver is positioned?
If your dog has a thick long coat, it may be necessary to trim back his fur so the contact
probes touch the skin. Ask your Pet Stop dealer for help.
c. Is the battery inserted correctly in the receiver?
Be sure the battery is inserted positive (+) end up.
If your pet still shows little reaction, contact your Pet Stop dealer for adjustments or
additional training. Remember to communicate any training difficulties to your Pet
Stop dealer so that he or she can help.
If your dog wears the receiver collar both for indoors and outdoor system use, be
sure to check the collar regularly for skin irritation. When you take your dog for walks,
remove the Pet Stop collar.
DO NOT use this system for guard dogs or vicious animals. If you believe your dog
may pose a threat to others, DO NOT USE THIS SYSTEM.
DO NOT use this system as a solid barrier. This product is a deterrent, meant to train
pets to remain within an established boundary. It will not work without proper training.
DO NOT permit children to operate the system.
DO NOT block ventilation openings or place transmitter in a tight location such as
underneath a very low piece of furniture
If you are unsure as to whether or not your dog will be suitable on a Pet Stop System,
please speak with your authorized Pet Stop dealer.
Additionally, your system will not work unless you:
Adjust the collar snug enough for the contact probes to make contact with your pet's
skin, but not so tight that it will cause injury. See Page 10 for collar adjustment.
Replace the receiver battery as required. See Page 10 for details.
Contact your local Pet Stop dealer immediately if the boundary wire is cut or damaged
in any way, so they can help you fix the break as soon as possible. See Page 5 for
Wire Break Warning System.
Train your pet properly. See Page 12 for Training Tips.
We do not recommend leaving your pet unsupervised while on the system.
To avoid neck irritation, always remove the receiver collar from your
pet at the end of the day when your pet is inside. Check your pet's neck
frequently for any irritation.
Caution: Changes or modifications to any component, not expressly approved
by Perimeter Technologies, Inc. could void the user's authority to operate this

