View - CamRanger Camerahardware device User Manual

Supports windows 7 and 8 computers
Table of Contents


The   v iew   d rop   d own   p rovides   a ccess   t o   t he   c amera's   c ard   c ontents   a nd   o ptions   f or   c ontrol  
accessibility   f or   t he   W indows   a pplication   d isplay.  
Card   C ontents  
To   v iew   t he   c ard   c ontents   s elect   " View"   o n   t he   W indows   C amRanger   m enu   b ar   a nd   t hen   " Card  
Contents."   B y   d oing   t his   a   n ew   w indow   w ill   a ppear,   a s   s een   b elow.    
The   c ard   c ontents   w ill   d isplay   t humbnails   o f   t he   i mages   o n   t he   c amera's   r emovable   m edia.   T he  
application   w ill   i nitially   l oad   t he   m ost   r ecent   t humbnails.   T o   l oad   m ore   t humbnails,   p ress   t he  
"Load   M ore"   b utton   a t   t he   b ottom   o f   t he   w indow.    
©   C amRanger   –   P atent   P ending  


Table of Contents

Table of Contents