Roland Fantom-G FGWS11 Manual page 15

Workstation keyboard
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As You Sequence
Once you've hit the PLAY button or F8 (Start) on the Realtime Rec Standby
screen, the Realtime Rec screen appears, and sequencing begins (after a
countoff if you're using one). Of course, now's the time to play the keyboard
or pads, and eventually hit STOP when you're done, or sequencing ends due
to to the setting of the Realtime Rec Standby window's Loop Sw or End Sw
parameters. While sequencing occurs, however, the Realtime Rec window is
visible, and it contains some really useful tools for your sequencing session.
When you sequence only a section of a song, you "punch in" when
sequencing begins, and "punch out" when you hit STOP.
The Realtime Rec Window
The main area of the Realtime Rec window contains a counter that shows
you where you are in your song.
Changing Quantization on the Fly
The Realtime Rec window also shows us the same Input Qtz, Resolution, and
Rate parameters we discussed back on Pages 12 and 13. These parameters
reappear here to address a fairly common occurrence: It's not unusual for
one or two passages to require different quantizing than the rest of what
you're playing. This is especially likely with rhythmic riffing.
Being able to adjust your quantizing—especially in conjunction with a
Rehearsal-mode time out, which we're about to discuss—as you sequence
can be a life-saver in the heat of inspiration. Most often, you'll just need to
change your input-quantize Resolution setting. You may also want to turn
quantizing off altogether here and there.
Rehearsal Mode
If you need to work something out while the sequencer's
running—practicing something you intend to play, or
when you've changed your mind about what it is you
want to play—click F7 (Rehearsal) so its red indicator
lights to show you're in Rehearsal mode. In Rehearsal
mode, the sequencer keeps running but nothing you
play is captured by the sequencer. To exit Rehearsal mode
and get back to sequencing, click F7 (Rehearsal) again.
You can go into and out Rehearsal mode anywhere in
your sequence, and as many times as you need to.
Erase Mode
Erase mode allows you to remove unwanted notes—mistakes or notes
you've changed your mind about—as your sequence plays. To use it, click F6
(Erase) to enter Erase mode and display the Realtime Erase window.
Hold down:
F7 (Erase All)—at the desired location to remove all of the notes there
for as long as you hold down the button.
two keys—at the desired location to remove those notes and all of the
notes between them for as long as you hold them down. The Lowest
Note and Highest Note readouts show you the selected key range.
Erase mode works especially well—and is most fun to use—during loop
sequencing as your music loops around and around.
You can use Erase mode to remove notes from an already-sequenced
track by sequencing over the track in Mix mode, and pressing F6 (Erase)
in the Realtime Rec window to get to the Erase window.


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