Test Your Configuration; Change The Password - US Robotics ADSL Ethernet Modem Overview

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Monitor Your ADSL Status Using Web UI
To monitor the ADSL operation status while using Web UI, click the
ADSL connection STATUS button on the top of the Setup Menu.
In addition to the following parameters, the status monitor also shows
firmware revision, ADSL link status, and the PPP connection status if
Downstream Fast Channel shows the ADSL downstream physical rate
in Fast Channel Mode.
Downstream Interleaved Channel shows the ADSL downstream
physical rate in Interleaved channel mode.
Downstream CRC Error shows the number of CRC errors of
downstream traffic.
Downstream Noise Margin shows the noise margin of downstream
Downstream Attenuation shows the power loss in the downstream
Upstream Fast Channel shows the ADSL upstream physical rate in
Fast Channel Mode.
Upstream Interleaved Channel shows the ADSL upstream physical rate
in Interleaved channel mode.
Upstream CRC Error shows the number of CRC errors of upstream
Upstream Noise Margin shows the noise margin of upstream traffic.
Upstream Attenuation shows the power loss in the upstream signal.
The Web monitor also displays the following modem information: Model
Version, Firmware Version, Web UI Version, and DSL Firmware Version.

Test your Configuration

After completing the configuration process, you may test the operation of
the ADSL modem by launching a Web browser and accessing a remote
Web site, such as http://www.usr.com.

Change the Password

The ADSL modem provides password protection. The default login
password for the router is 12345. After logging in the first time, change
the password by clicking Change Password.
After you have changed your password, write the new password
down in a safe place in case you forget it in the future. Click Verify to
make sure the settings are correct and then click OK to save the
Upgrade Firmware Using TFTP
The ADSL modem is bundled with one TFTP download utility, which
allows you to remotely download the latest version of firmware via LAN
connection to the ADSL modem. The utility program tftputil.exe is
included with the ADSL modem.


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