Quick Setup Here’s how to set up your new ® EPSON Stylus COLOR 1520 printer . . . Unpack the Printer Remove any packing material from the printer, as described on the Notice Sheet in the box. Save all the packaging so you can use it if you need to transport the printer later.
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Attach the Paper Support and Output Tray Place the hole in the right side of the paper support on the printer’s right post. Then slightly lift the left side of the paper support and push the notch down over the printer’s left post.
Plug In the Printer First make sure the power is off. Check the Operate button; it’s off when its surface is even with the button guards on each side. Operate Caution: Do not plug the printer into an outlet controlled by a wall switch or timer, or on the same circuit as a large appliance.
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Open the ink cartridge packages. Completely remove the disposable yellow portion of the tape seal on top. Don’t remove the white portion. Caution: You must completely remove the yellow portion of the tape seal or you will permanently damage the ink cartridge.
Push down the clamps until they lock in place. Caution: Never turn off the printer when the Pause light is flashing. However, if the Pause light is still flashing after 10 minutes and the printer is not moving or making noise, you may turn off the printer.
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Lock the output tray in an upright position on the two upper posts. Slide the right edge guide all the way left until it stops. Then slide the left edge guide to match the approximate width of your paper. slide this left slide this to paper’s width center this...
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Slide out the rear paper support guide until it stops. Fan a stack of paper and then even the edges. Load the stack with the printable surface face down and slide it all the way into the feeder. Press the stack against the right edge guide.
Then turn off the printer. If you have any problems with the test, see Chapter 7 in your User’s Guide for more information. Connect the Printer to Your Computer You can connect your EPSON Stylus COLOR 1520 printer to ® ® ®...
Note: The printer is assigned to if you have a ground parallel port LPT1 when wire, connect it here you install the software; if you want to use a different Connect the other end of the cable to your computer’s ®...
Then select Yes (No is the default) to use the printer as the Windows default printer. Click Finish. Follow the instructions on the screen. Your printer software icons appear in an EPSON folder and a printer icon appears in the Printers folder.
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If you clicked the diskette drive icon, of the printer software on double-click the Setup icon. the CD-ROM, run the MAKE_FD.EXE program Select Epson Stylus COLOR 1520 in the Printer Model on the CD-ROM and follow the instructions on tab and click OK. the screen.
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Double-click the My Computer icon. Then double-click your CD-ROM drive icon. Click the SETUP icon. Select Epson Stylus COLOR 1520 in the Printer Model tab and click OK. Follow the instructions on screen. A printer icon for your printer now appears in the Printers folder.
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From the File menu, select Run. Type D:\SETUP (or substitute the correct drive letter) and click OK. Select Epson Stylus COLOR 1520 in the Printer Model tab and click OK. Follow the instructions on the screen. Your printer is set as the Windows default printer.
When your Macintosh has finished starting up, turn on your Note: printer. If your Macintosh doesn’t have a CD-ROM drive, Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM and you can make diskettes double-click the Installer icon. from the CD-ROM using another Macintosh. See Click Continue to display the Installer Script dialog box.
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Turn on the Macintosh and turn off any virus protection programs you may have. (See your virus protection documentation for instructions.) Insert the EPSON printer software CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop. (You must double-click the icon even if a window opens when you insert the CD-ROM.) The new window contains the Disk1...
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See Your EPSON Documentation Your EPSON Stylus COLOR 1520 User’s Guide tells you how to: print everything from a memo to a back lit display use your printer software to fine-tune your printouts keep your printer working at its best solve any problems you may have You can also access EPSON’s convenient online help from the...
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