LG VX9100 Service Manual page 133

Dual band cdma [pcs/cellular/gps] cdma mobile phone
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TOLR. See Transmit Objective Loudness Rating.
Traffic Channel. A communication path between a mobile station and base station used for user and signaling
traffic. The term Traffic Channel implies a Forward Traffic Channel and Reverse Traffic Channel pair. See also
Forward Traffic Channel and Reverse Traffic Channel.
Traffic Channel Preamble. A sequence of all-zero frames that is sent at the 9600 bps rate by the mobile station on
the Reverse Traffic Channel. The Traffic Channel preamble is sent during initialization of the Traffic Channel.
Transmit Objective Loudness Rating (TOLR). A perceptually weighted transducer gain of telephone transmitters
relation sound pressure at the microphone to voltage at a reference electrical termination. It is normally specified in
dB relative to one millivolt per Pascal. See IEEE Standard 269-1992, IEEE Standard 661-1979, CCITT
Recommendation P.76 , and CCITT Recommendation. P.79
Unique Challenge-Response Procedure. An exchange of information between a mobile station and a base station
for the purpose of confirming the mobile station's identity. The procedure is initiated by the base station and is
characterized by the use of a challenge-specific random number (i.e., RANDU) instead of the random variable
broadcast globally (RAND).
Unique Random Variable (RANDU). A 24-bit random number generated by the base station in support of the
Unique Challenge-Response procedure.
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). An internationally agreed-upon time scale maintained by the Bureau
International de l'Heure (BIH) used as the time reference by nearly all commonly available time and frequency
distribution systems i.e., WWW, WWVH, LORAN-C, Transit, Omega, and GPS.
UTC. Universal Temps Coordine. See Universal Coordinated Time.
Voice Channel. See Analog Voice Channel.
Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC). A 3-bit field in the Extended Address Word commanding the initial
mobile power level when assigning a mobile station to an analog voice channel.
Voice Privacy. The process by which user voice transmitted over a CDMA Traffic Channel is a afforded a modest
degree of protection against eavesdropping over the air.
Walsh Chip. The shortest identifiable component of a Walsh function. There are 2N Walsh chips in one Walsh
function where N is the order of the Walsh function. On the Forward CDMA channel one Walsh chip equals
1/1.2288MHz, or 813.802...ns. On the Reverse CDMA Channel, one Walsh chip equals 4/1.2288MHz, or 3.255...㎲.
Walsh Function. One of 2N time orthogonal binary functions (note that the functions are orthogonal after mapping
'0' to 1 and '1' to –1).
Zone-Based Registration. An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers whenever it
enters a zone that is not in the mobile station's zone list.
㎲. Microsecond
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