Storage Precautions; General Requirements; Operations Before Installation; Dhw Line - BaltGaz NEVALUX-8230 User Manual

Wall-hung combi gas boiler with forced heat carrier circulation
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The air inlet system and combustion products outlet must be checked for air-tightness;
Water flow in DHW supply system must be enough for switching the DHW mode on;
Checking of the heating system in order to detect contamination.
ATTENTION! Technical service operations connected with disassembling of its gas or hydraulic pipelines must be
effectuated only after switching off the boiler completely (the taps on heat carrier , water and gas pipelines by the
inlet into the boiler must be closed, the boiler must be disconnected from the power line).


-The boiler is made in climatic category UHL4.2 under GOST 15150-69 standard.
-The boiler must be stored and transported in the package only in the position indicated on the handling symbols.
- The boiler must be stored in a closed premise that guarantees protection from atmospheric and other harmful impacts at air
temperature from −50 ºС to +40 ºС and relative humidity not more than 98%.
-In case of boiler storage for more than 12 month a conservation according to the GOST
9.014−78 standard must be effectuated.
-Inlet and output hoses orifices must be closed by cover plugs.


initial run of gas appliances for domestic use must be effectuated in accordance with
Installation, technical service and
local requirements, more specifically:
SNiP II−35−76 «Boiler-plants»;
SP 62.13330.2011 «Gas-distribution systems. Updated edition SNiP 42−01−2002»;
SP 41−108−2004"Door-to-door heating of domestic buildings with gas-fueled heat generators";
SNiP 41-01-2003"Heating, ventilation and conditioning";
"Regulation of fire safety in Russian Federation" (PPB 01−03);
PUE "Electrical Installation Regulations".
Also it is necessary to pay attention to the following moments:
-The boiler may be used with any type of heat exchangers (convectional stoves, radiators and convectors), and their
power system may be both double-pipe and single-pipe;
-Children must be kept away from contact with package elements (plastic bags, polystyrene etc.), as they represent a
potential source of danger.
The boiler's initial run and warranty liabilities must be fulfilled by a special service organization.


Attention! Boiler installation, putting the boiler into operation and technical service can be effectuated only
by a specialized service organization. Boiler installation must be effectuated according to the project which
complies with the requirements of Federal and local normative acts, regulating gas appliances installation.
The boiler is designed for heating water to the temperature lower than the boiling point at atmospheric pressure.
The boiler should be connected to the heating system, and also to the water supply network in order to receive
domestic hot water for housekeeping needs (hereinafter referred to as DHW), and after that to the gas pipeline.
Heating and water supply systems must be compatible with the boiler's exploitation characteristics and power.
The boiler's technical characteristics are represented in p.2.2 (page 5).
Before putting the boiler into operation it is necessary to effectuate the following:
-To check the compliance of the type of gas and pressure indicated in the sections 20 and 21 (page 48) and in the
table o the boiler with the used type of gas and gas pressure in the place of the boiler's installation. In case of non-
compliance it is necessary to render the boiler to the used type of gas and pressure in accordance with section 12
(page 26);
-To make sure that the installation was correct and the smoke exhauster is air-tight;
-In order to provide correct boiler operation ant to keep the warranty it is necessary to follow the requirements of
this manual.

7.1 DHW Line

For normal boiler operation it is necessary to install a water filter by the inlet into the boiler on the DHW line.
If water hardness exceeds 200 mg of calcium carbonate per 1 liter water, it is necessary to install a polyphosphates
dose meter or another water softening device.

7.2. Heating system

The boiler is connected to the heating system and DHW system, in accordance with its characteristics and
heating power.
Minimal heat output of the heating system must be more than 10,0 kW. Otherwise, the boiler will
operate unstably, what would lead to reduction of its service life.
It is recommended to use water as a heat carrier in the heating system. It is acceptable to use
Propylenglycolum as a heat carrier.
Presence of rust, dirt and other deposits in the heating system leads to the boiler's operation disturbance and
performance degradation (for example overheating, noise in the heat exchanger, heating effect reduction). In
connection to this, the heating system must be washed before the boiler's installation. For this acid and
alkaline-based detergents or detergents, corroding metal, plastic and rubber parts of the boiler, cannot be used.
It is recommended to use SENTINEL X400 и SENTINEL X100. The purchased heating system cleaning
detergent must be used in accordance with the instruction attached to it.

7.2.1 Water quality requirements

The quality water used in the heating system must comply with the following parameters :
РН value
General hardness
- Iron content
If the incoming water's hardness exceeds 4 mg-eq/l, it is necessary to install by the water's inlet into the boiler a
polyphosphates dose meter, which processes the water coming into the boiler, protecting the heat exchanging
equipment of the boiler from hardness deposition. The polyphosphates dose meter is not included into the boiler's
standard supply package and is purchased separately.
If the incoming water's hardness exceeds 9 mg-eq/l, it is necessary to use more powerful water softening

7. 2. 2. Propylenglycolum usage conditions

It is acceptable to use as a heat carrier in the heating system the low-freezing liquid only on
Propylenglycolum base (hereinafter referred to as Propylenglycolum).
IT IS PROHIBITED to use other low-freezing liquids!
It is necessary to use the Propylenglycolum concentration with freezing temperature not lower than minus 20
ºC. In order to receive heat carrier with required freezing temperature it is necessary to strictly follow the
recommendations of the Propylenglycolum manufacturer.
When Propylenglycolum is used as a heat carrier the heating system must be made in accordance with the
project, complying with the following requirements:
-The heating system's project must be adapted for use of Propylenglycolum as a heat carrier.
-sealing materials of the heating system's joints must be fit for operation in Propylenglycolum environment;
-it is unacceptable to use zinc-plated pipes in the heating system;
not more than 4 mg-eq/l
not more than 0,3 mg/l
Technical staff manual


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