Place And Scheme Of Installation - BaltGaz NEVALUX-5611 User Manual

Baltgaz nevalux lux instantaneous gas water heater for domestic use
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After the appliance's installation, checking its working capacity and the alliance's owner's instructing by an employee of the or-
ganization that installed the appliance, a mark about the appliance's installation should be made in the Certificate of installation, tech-
nical service and repair and in the warranty coupons
ATTENTION! Before installing the appliance it is necessary to check the compliance of the settings indicated in the Ac-
ceptance certificate and in the table on the appliance with the type and pressure of gas available at the place of the appliance's
installation. In case of non-compliance it is necessary to effectuate the appliance's rendering to the used type and pressure of
gas in accordance with p.7.10

Place and scheme of installation

7.1.1. Appliance should be installed in the kitchens or any other heated non-residential premises according to the project of gasi-
fication and set of rules SP 62.13330.2011.
7.1.2. The volume of the premise where the appliance is installed should be not less than 8 m
7.1.3. The premise where the water heater shall be installed must have good ventilation and constant fresh air inflow (window or
opening transom), because while the appliance is on, oxygen combustion occurs. Grids or gap in the bottom part of the door or wall
must not be tightly closed
7.1.4. The appliance must be connected to the exhaust flue with a good draught (rarefaction 1, 96...29, 4 Pа) and besides it
should be located as close to the exhaust flue as possible. One of the available ways to test the draught in the exhaust flue is presented
on the scheme 7.
No draught (the candle flame
doesn't' bend) – do not use the
7.1.5. The appliance must be installed on the fire resistant walls: brick, concrete
(with a ceramic plating or without it).
7.1.6. It is acceptable to install the appliance on firehard walls if the wall is in-
sulated with a zinc-coated steel sheet with thickness 0, 8...1 mm along the basalt felt
woolen board with thickness 3...5 mm. Insulation of the wall should go over the
overall dimensions of the appliance's body frame for at least 100 mm from each side
(scheme 8)
The distance from the appliance's lateral surfaces to firehard walls without insu-
lation should be at least 250 mm. If the indicated distance is reduced to 150 mm, it is
necessary to install the heat insulation (upholstery of walls by the zinc-coated steel
sheet on the sheet of the heat insulation material).
7.1.7. It is forbidden to install the appliance on wooden walls; plastered walls
which have wooden base; on walls covered with highly flammable materials.
7.1.8. It is forbidden to install the appliance above a source of heat or open
7.1.9. Place and height of the appliance's installation should meet the require-
ments of p .7.7 of this manual. Besides it is recommended to install the appliance on
the height so that the viewing window will be on the level of consumer's eyes or as
close to this level as possible.
Also for effectuating the technical service at the appliance's installation it is
necessary to keep the following spaces:
The distance from the appliance's lateral surface to the lateral wall must be
not less than 150 mm;
- Free space in front of the appliance's front surface should be not less than 600 mm.
7.1.10. Scheme of appliance's installation (connection) is represented on the scheme 9. It is recommended to connect the appli-
ance at first to the water supply system, to fill it with water and then connect it to the gas network.
Insufficient draught
(the candle flame bends)
do not use the appliance
Scheme 7. Way of testing draught in the exhaust flue
User's and technical staff manual
Good draught
(the candle flame goes out)
-the appliance can be used
Scheme 8. Appliance installation on
the firehard walls


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