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Magnavox TS2573 Owner's Manual page 16



Haeve yo.ever p layed h ide ana
ek with your remote
control? Are you tired of tearing
the house apart trying to find if
someone has stuffed the remote
under the couch, put it on the
shelves, or hid it in the desk? Well,
your TV remote can save you all
that looking by automatically
signaling its location to you.
Here's how it works:
1_1 Press the POWER
button on
set to turn the TV ON.
Note: Normally you can press any
button on the front of the TV to
turn the set ON. But for the remote
locator to work you need to be sure
to use the Power button at the TV.
the TV screen.
Within a few seconds a
chirping or beeping sound will
begin to come from the remote
control hand unit.
The remote will continue to signal
its location for around 30 seconds.
Normal TV program sound will not
be heard while the remote locator is
remote just
find the
press any button on the remote and
the beeping sound will stop.
The remote is now ready for
normal TV fea_re use.
Remember., the remote
locator may not properly
receive its 'homing" signal from
the TV if it has been placed on a
metal shelf or counter material.
Also, since there's a special type
of radio frequency 'homing"
signal receiver inside the remote
we are required to notify you that
any changes or modifications not
expressly approved by Philips
Consumer Electronics Company
could void the user's authority to
operate the remote equipment.
_s around 30 Feet.

